Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Have you got a home zoo (3 класс)

[æ]A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

Слайд 1 Have You Got a Home Zoo?
Подготовили учителя английского языка
Джумагулова Н.Х.
Алисултанова Н.Р.

Have You Got a Home Zoo?   Подготовили учителя английского языкаДжумагулова Н.Х.Алисултанова Н.Р.

Слайд 2[æ]
A black cat sat on a mat
and ate
a fat

[æ]A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

Слайд 3What pets have you got? I’ve got … .

What pets have you got? I’ve got … .

Слайд 4Hugh’s family has got a small zoo at home.

*Look after

– присматривать, заботится

What do they look after*?

Hugh’s family has got a small zoo at home.  *Look after – присматривать, заботитсяWhat do they

Слайд 5They look after …
A hamster

A kitten

A puppy

They look after … A hamsterA kitten A puppy

Слайд 6They look after …

A turtle

A guinea pig

They look after …A turtleA guinea pig

Слайд 7What do they do?

Water the flowers

Water the plants

What do they do?Water the flowersWater the plants

Слайд 8What do they do?
Walk the dog

Clean the cage

What do they do?Walk the dogClean the cage

Слайд 9What do they do?

Feed the animals

Wash the animals

What do they do? Feed the animalsWash the animals

Слайд 10 What do Hugh and his parents do?


after the pets
What do Hugh and his parents do?   Look after the pets

Слайд 11What do Hugh and his parents do in his home zoo

What do Hugh and his parents do in his home zoo ?

Слайд 12Let’s check the task.

Let’s check the task.

Слайд 13What new words have you learnt?

What new words have you learnt?

Слайд 14 Lets check your task:

Lets check your task:

Слайд 15Role play
Have/has … got a pet?
What pets have/has … got?
What is

… name?

How do/does …look after … ?

I have got … .

My brother/sister has got … .
Its name is … .

I always … .

Role playHave/has … got a pet?What pets have/has … got?What is … name?How do/does …look after …

Слайд 16Your Home task:

Please find a picture of your pet
and write

about it .

All about me: “My Happy Pet”

Activity Book: page 100, Ex. 12.

Your Home task: Please find a picture of your pet and write about it . All about

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