Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Great vowel shift

Great vowel shift - the systemic change in the pronunciation of English vowels (in phonetic terms, the raising and fronting of the long, stressed monophthongs) that occurred in England during the late Middle English period (roughly

Слайд 1Great vowel shift
Зиновьева Татьяна Николаевна

Great vowel shiftЗиновьева Татьяна Николаевна

Слайд 2Great vowel shift - the systemic change in the pronunciation of

English vowels (in phonetic terms, the raising and fronting of the long, stressed monophthongs) that occurred in England during the late Middle English period (roughly the period from Chaucer to Shakespeare).
Great vowel shift - the systemic change in the pronunciation of English vowels (in phonetic terms, the

Слайд 3GVS was first studied by Otto Jesperson
Otto Jespersen (1860 –1943) was

a Danish linguist who specialized in the grammar of the English language.
GVS was first studied by  Otto JespersonOtto Jespersen (1860 –1943) was a Danish linguist who specialized

Слайд 4The reasons of GVS:
the mass migration to south east England after

the Black Death (1348-1350);
a sudden social mobility after the Black Death;
the change of language of the ruling class;
the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453).
The reasons of GVS:the mass migration to south east England after the Black Death (1348-1350);a sudden social

Слайд 5The principal changes:

• Middle English [aː] (ā) fronted to [æː] and then

raised to [ɛː], [eː] and in many dialects diphthongised in Modern English to [eɪ] (as in make).
• Middle English [ɛː] raised to [eː] and then to modern English [iː] (as in beak).
• Middle English [eː] raised to Modern English [iː] (as in feet).
• Middle English [iː] diphthongised to [ɪi], which was most likely followed by [əɪ] and finally Modern English [aɪ] (as in mice).
• Middle English [ɔː] raised to [oː], and in the eighteenth century this became Modern English [oʊ] or [əʊ] (as in boat).
• Middle English [oː] raised to Modern English [uː] (as in boot).
• Middle English [uː] was diphthongised in most environments to [ʊu], and this was followed by [əʊ], and then Modern English [aʊ] (as in mouse) in the eighteenth century
The principal changes:•	Middle English [aː] (ā) fronted to [æː] and then raised to [ɛː], [eː] and in

Слайд 7Exceptions:
ea [iː] in words great,

break, steak, swear, and bear;
the word father failed to become [ɛː];
The word broad, which failed to become [oʊ].
The word room (spelled as roum in ME) is an exception to the shifting of [uː] to [aʊ].
Exceptions:ea      [iː] in  words great, break, steak, swear, and bear; the

Слайд 8Thank your for your attention!

Thank your for your attention!

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