Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Глобализация и ты (11 класс)

p. 25, ex. 62Read the text and say if the author...  • supports anti-globalists  • is against the anti-globalist movement  • is neutral towards the movement Find in the text sentences supporting your opinion.

Слайд 1- Good afternoon, boys and girls!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- Glad to

see you!
- Glad to see you too!
- Sit down, please. Let`s start our lesson.

Popularity [ ˌpɒp.jʊˈlær.ə.ti ]
Industry [ ˈɪndəstri ]
Internationally [ ˌɪn.təˈnæʃ.ən.əl ]
Throughout [ θruːˈaʊt ]
Professional [ prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl ]
Valuable phenomena [ ˈvæljuəbl ] [ fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən ]
Quickly [ ˈkwɪkli ]
Constantly changing [ ˈkɒnstəntli ] [ ˈtʃeɪn.dʒɪŋ ]

- Good afternoon, boys and girls!- Good afternoon, teacher!- Glad to see you!- Glad to see you

Слайд 2p. 25, ex. 62

Read the text and say if the author...  •

supports anti-globalists  • is against the anti-globalist movement  • is neutral towards the movement 

Find in the text sentences supporting your opinion.
p. 25, ex. 62Read the text and say if the author...  • supports anti-globalists  • is against

Слайд 3 Listen to the programme and complete the following sentences.
1 The

research wanted to find out what teenagers thought about globalisation because....  2 The research wanted to check two hypotheses:  a) Teenagers are....  They want to consume....  They want to learn more about....  b) Teenagers are....  They are not interested in....  3 The teenagers were from... to... years old.  4 They were from... ,... ,... and....  5 The results of the research suggest that....
 Listen to the programme and complete the following sentences.  1 The research wanted to find out

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