Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Five cheeky monkeys (5 класс)

Слайд 1Five Cheeky Monkeys

Five Cheeky Monkeys

Слайд 2Five cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Five cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Слайд 3Teasing Mister Crocodile:
“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Teasing Mister Crocodile:“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Слайд 4Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Слайд 5Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkey
Right out of that

Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkeyRight out of that tree!

Слайд 6Four cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Four cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Слайд 7Teasing Mister Crocodile:
“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Teasing Mister Crocodile:“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Слайд 8Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Слайд 9Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkey
Right out of that

Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkeyRight out of that tree!

Слайд 10Three cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Three cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Слайд 11Teasing Mister Crocodile:
“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Teasing Mister Crocodile:“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Слайд 12Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Слайд 13Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkey
Right out of that

Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkeyRight out of that tree!

Слайд 14Two cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Two cheeky monkeys swinging in a tree

Слайд 15Teasing Mister Crocodile:
“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Teasing Mister Crocodile:“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Слайд 16Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Слайд 17Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkey
Right out of that

Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkeyRight out of that tree!

Слайд 18One cheeky monkey swinging in a tree

One cheeky monkey swinging in a tree

Слайд 19Teasing Mister Crocodile:
“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Teasing Mister Crocodile:“You can’t catch me, You can’t catch me.”

Слайд 20Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Along comes Mister Crocodile,

Слайд 21Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkey
Right out of that

Quiet as can be, And SNAPPED that monkeyRight out of that tree!

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