Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Давайте постараемся быть вежливыми

“Let us try to be polite” Let us try to be polite In everything we do. Remember always to say “please”, And don’t forget “thank you”.

Слайд 1
“Let us try to be polite”
Let us try to be

In everything we do.
Remember always to say “please”,
And don’t forget “thank you”.
“Let us try to be polite”Let us try to be politeIn everything

Слайд 2 “Let us try to be polite”
Let us

try to be polite
In everything we do.
Remember always to say “please”,
And don’t forget “thank you”.

“Let us try to be polite”    Let us try to be polite

Слайд 3Тема урока:
“Let us try to be polite”

Тема урока:“Let us try to be polite”

Слайд 4Are you always polite?

Are you always polite?

Слайд 5 You help your mother about the house.

You help your mother about the house.

Слайд 6You wash your hands before you eat

You wash your hands before you eat

Слайд 7You talk with your mouth full

You talk with your mouth full

Слайд 8You laugh when somebody slips and falls on

You laugh when somebody slips and falls on

Слайд 9You share your things

You share your things

Слайд 10You say “goodbye” when you leave.

You say “goodbye” when you leave.

Слайд 11It’s time to have a rest
Let’s sing a song:

It’s time to have a restLet’s sing a song:

Слайд 12Are you polite?
Listen, read and act out.

Are you polite?Listen, read and act out.

Слайд 13Answer the Questions:
Did you like the lesson?

What did you like best

of all?

Answer the Questions:Did you like the lesson?What did you like best of all?

Слайд 14Write down your homework, please!

Write down your homework, please!

Слайд 15Thank you for the lesson! Good Bye!

Thank you for the lesson! Good Bye!

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