Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Cash in hand (7 класс)

Cash in handcash (n): money in notes and coins

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Cash in hand
cash (n): money in notes and coins

Cash in handcash (n): money in notes and coins

Слайд 3part-time (adj): (of work) lasting for only a few hours

part-time (adj): (of work) lasting for only a few hours

Слайд 4earn (v): to get money in return for work

earn (v): to get money in return for work

Слайд 5average wage (phr): the estimated amount of money people get paid across

a group
average wage (phr): the estimated amount of money people get paid across a group

Слайд 6waiting tables (n): what sb does as a waiter or waitress,

including taking orders and clearing tables
waiting tables (n): what sb does as a waiter or waitress, including taking orders and clearing tables

Слайд 7delivery (n): the bringing of goods to sb

delivery (n): the bringing of goods to sb

Слайд 8cashier (n): sb who works with a cash register

cashier (n): sb who works with a cash register

Слайд 9customer service (n): a company department responsible for helping customers with

questions or complaints
customer service (n): a company department responsible for helping customers with questions or complaints

Слайд 10available (adj): free

available (adj): free

Слайд 11campus (n): an area that contains the main buildings of a

university or college
campus (n): an area that contains the main buildings of a university or college

Слайд 12camp counsellor (n): sb who works at a camp, organising events

and supervising children
camp counsellor (n): sb who works at a camp, organising events and supervising children

Слайд 13internship (n): a programme for students or graduates to acquire practical

career training
internship (n): a programme for students or graduates to acquire practical career training

Слайд 14profession (n): occupation

profession (n): occupation

Слайд 15experience (n): knowledge or skill in a particular job/activity

experience (n): knowledge or skill in a particular job/activity

Слайд 16clerk (n): an office worker

clerk (n): an office worker

Слайд 17offer (v): to propose, to give

offer (v): to propose, to give

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