Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Благотворительные организации в России и в Воронежской области (8 класс)


Charity needs

Слайд 1According to Rosstat, in 2017 in Russia there were more than

9,600 charitable foundations and about 1,700 charitable organizations (movements, institutions).
“The true purpose of a charitable cause is not to do good, but to have no one to do good,” wrote historian Vasily Klyuchevsky.
According to Rosstat, in 2017 in Russia there were more than 9,600 charitable foundations and about 1,700

Слайд 2Charity needs

Charity needs

Слайд 3The largest charitable organizations in Russia

The largest charitable organizations in Russia

Слайд 41. Charitable Foundation for Children with Hematologic and Other Severe Diseases

“Give Life”
1. Charitable Foundation for Children with Hematologic and Other Severe Diseases “Give Life”

Слайд 52. The Rusfond Charitable Foundation for the Aid of Seriously Ill

Children, Orphans and Disabled Persons
2. The Rusfond Charitable Foundation for the Aid of Seriously Ill Children, Orphans and Disabled Persons

Слайд 63. Food Charitable Foundation "Rus"

3. Food Charitable Foundation

Слайд 74. Charitable Foundation for Children (World Vita)

4. Charitable Foundation for Children (World Vita)

Слайд 85. Charity Foundation to help hospices "Faith"

5. Charity Foundation to help hospices

Слайд 96. Charitable Foundation for the Rescue of Seriously Ill Children “Life

6. Charitable Foundation for the Rescue of Seriously Ill Children “Life Line”

Слайд 107. Charitable Foundation "AdVita"

7. Charitable Foundation

Слайд 118. ROO “Mercy” (Orthodox service of help “Mercy”)

8. ROO “Mercy” (Orthodox service of help “Mercy”)

Слайд 129. Charitable Foundation “Fund for the Support of the Deaf-Blind“ Union

9. Charitable Foundation “Fund for the Support of the Deaf-Blind“ Union ”

Слайд 1310. Charitable Foundation of St. Basil the Great

10. Charitable Foundation of St. Basil the Great

Слайд 14Charitable organizations of Voronezh.

Charitable organizations of Voronezh.

Слайд 15Charity Foundation "Mercy" Charity Foundation "Mercy" helps sick and low-income people, holds

charity dinners, helps boarding schools, children with disabilities, children with cancer.
Charity Foundation

Слайд 16Charitable Foundation "Live"
Since 2013, the charity foundation “Live” has been helping

people with cancer. The Foundation not only collects donations and holds actions, but also tries to involve as many enterprises as possible in charity work, provide support to hospitals, and develop a volunteer movement. It is important that the foundation contributes to the creation of a bone marrow bank, because there are only a few thousand donors in Russia now, this is not enough for choosing the right type for anyone who needs help.
Charitable Foundation

Слайд 17Help for the elderly
The charity foundation “Old Age in Joy” originated

from the volunteer movement. At first, volunteers raised funds to help the elderly and went to nursing homes. Now they want to care for older people also at home. One of the rules of the fund: it does not matter what a person did before retirement - you need to provide assistance to all who need it.
Help for the elderlyThe charity foundation “Old Age in Joy” originated from the volunteer movement. At first,

Слайд 18Maternity Protection Center
Ideal families exist only on Instagram, in fact, husbands,

friends, and relatives often leave women with children. The Guardian Angel Maternity Protection Center helps pregnant women and single mothers who have nowhere to go. They find food, clothing, a roof over their heads. Help with work and kindergartens for children, draw up documents and manuals.
Maternity Protection CenterIdeal families exist only on Instagram, in fact, husbands, friends, and relatives often leave women

Слайд 19Charity NGO "Dawn"
Shelters for the homeless, distribution of hot food, clothing

and first aid supplies - this is what the Rassvet charity does. Their projects are homeless and needy.
Charity NGO

Слайд 20Youth Movement of Donors
The youth movement "Swing" is looking for blood

donors. Blood donation campaigns are regularly held in Voronezh universities. Lectures on donation are usually held in front of them. The movement’s group publishes information not only about past events, but also about people who need help. Donors can respond and donate blood. Also in the community you can see which blood group is most needed.
Youth Movement of DonorsThe youth movement

Слайд 21"Common Children"
Charitable organization "Shared Children" helps children without parents, low-income and

single-parent families. They are provided with material, medical, psychological and other assistance.

Слайд 22Foundation for children with cancer
The Dobrosvet charitable foundation helps the Onco-hematology

department of the Voronezh Regional Hospital №1. The foundation was created by parents whose children suffered from oncological diseases, doctors and people who are ready to help children with cancer.
Foundation for children with cancerThe Dobrosvet charitable foundation helps the Onco-hematology department of the Voronezh Regional Hospital

Слайд 23"Volunteer Club"
Most assistance is aimed at children without parents. The Volunteer

Club helps 17 boarding schools, 3 orphanages, 3 child care centers and a psycho-neurological boarding school for adults.

Слайд 24Help cats
Seals will save the world, and the “Cat Kingdom” community

will save the seals. Here, homeless cats are helped to heal and recover. After the cats have received the necessary assistance from veterinarians, the coordinators find them a new family.
Help catsSeals will save the world, and the “Cat Kingdom” community will save the seals. Here, homeless

Слайд 25Wildlife Center
The center for help of wild animals "Finist" helps animals

and birds that have suffered from human activities. Animals are treated and released into their natural habitat.
Wildlife CenterThe center for help of wild animals

Слайд 26Veterinary Hospital "Friends"
Veterinary hospital "Friends" is engaged in the treatment of

homeless dogs and cats. Animals that are already cured are looking for a new home.
Veterinary Hospital

Слайд 27"The right to live"
The charitable foundation for helping homeless animals, Right

to Life, holds bioethics lessons for children, conferences for adults, city actions to prevent cruelty to animals. He also provides assistance with the sterilization of homeless cats and dogs, helps private mini-shelters and curators who picked up homeless animals. There is a shelter for disabled animals that need special care.

Слайд 28The Charity Foundation "World of Good Hearts" exists in Pavlovsk, Voronezh

The Charity Foundation

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