Презентация, доклад по английскому языку

Magnetic Instruments

Слайд 1Magnetic Instruments
One magnetic compass
Affected by the earth’s magnetic fields

Magnetic InstrumentsOne magnetic compassAffected by the earth’s magnetic fields

Слайд 2Magnetic Instruments

Magnetic Instruments

Слайд 3Compass Errors - Variation
The difference between true and magnetic north
Aeronautical charts

referenced to true
Runways aligned with magnetic
Variation needs to be taken into consideration

Compass Errors - VariationThe difference between true and magnetic northAeronautical charts referenced to trueRunways aligned with magneticVariation

Слайд 4Magnetism
Magnet is a piece of metal containing iron that has a

north and south pole which attracts magnetic flux
The earth acts as a giant magnet, so a magnet can be aligned with the earths flux fields
Magnet floats in kerosene fluid and is always trying to stay with magnetic north
Airplane pivots around the compass
Pilot sees headings as etched into the card

MagnetismMagnet is a piece of metal containing iron that has a north and south pole which attracts

Слайд 5Compass Errors - Deviation
Any error caused by a magnetic field other

than the earths
This could be a battery, magneto, alternator, or other electromagnetic disturbance
When a mechanic aligns the aircraft with known magnetic headings, he can denote deviation
Compass Deviation Card

Compass Errors - DeviationAny error caused by a magnetic field other than the earthsThis could be a

Слайд 6Compass Errors - Deviation

Compass Errors - Deviation

Слайд 7Magnetic Dip
Occurs when lines of flux dip into the earth over

the poles
Compass has a dip compensating weight
Weight is the cause of northerly turning errors
Also the cause of acceleration errors

Magnetic DipOccurs when lines of flux dip into the earth over the polesCompass has a dip compensating

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