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The Thames is the longest river in England, but the longest river in the United Kingdom is the Severn. However, as the Thames originates in seven springs, it is 23 kilometers (14 miles) longer (if we

Слайд 1 The River Thames

The River Thames

Слайд 2The Thames is the longest river in England, but the longest

river in the United Kingdom is the Severn. However, as the Thames originates in seven springs, it is 23 kilometers (14 miles) longer (if we consider its length by tradition from the Thames head). This way, its length (368 km) will be more than the length of the river Severn (354 km). Thus, Black-Thames can be called the longest natural river flow in the United Kingdom.
The Thames is the longest river in England, but the longest river in the United Kingdom is

Слайд 3The name of the river originated from the ancient Celts, who

called it Tamesis. The most plausible variant of the translation of the word is «dark water»: in those days, around the Thames there were swamps. When the Romans occupied the British island, they began to pronounce that name as Tames: a clay pot with the river's name in Latin was found in the vicinity of Oxford. Subsequently in the English language this name was transformed into the Thames. For sailors who served on merchant ships, for many centuries Thames remained «London river». The Londoners simply called it «the river “, e.g. «I live South of the river».
The name of the river originated from the ancient Celts, who called it Tamesis. The most plausible

Слайд 4The main course of the river runs in a wide valley

with gentle slopes and plains. The channel is very winding, often branches off, forming numerous Islands. The river Thames flows into the North sea, forming a large estuary: single-arm funnel-shaped mouth, expanding towards the sea and the resultant long-flush river load the tides of the sea. The funnel shape of the estuary of the river causes critical water level in the neck and heavy flooding leads to the destruction of dams and catastrophic flooding of the surrounding plains.

The main course of the river runs in a wide valley with gentle slopes and plains. The

Слайд 6The history of the Thames begins before the end of the

last glaciation, when Britain was not yet an island and it was one landmass with the current Denmark and Netherlands. In those days the waters of the Thames were connected to the Rhine, Maas and Scheldt and were flowing into a single wide river, where now are the Straits Pas-de-Calais and La Manche, largely formed as a result of erosion.

The history of the Thames begins before the end of the last glaciation, when Britain was not

Слайд 7Now the Thames is a popular place for construction of various

houses with views of the river, including high-rise buildings in Central London and summer cottages on the river banks and the Islands upstream. Some people live in houses on the water, usually around Brentford and the Tagg Islands.
Now the Thames is a popular place for construction of various houses with views of the river,

Слайд 8The Use Of The Thames. One of the main resources that

the river gives is water, the distribution of which is done by a company called "Thames Water", whose area of responsibility covers the whole length of the river. Tesinsky tap the ring - the main tool of water distribution in London, connecting into one main ring HAMPTON, Walton, Ashford and treatment facilities Kempton Park, with Central London.
The Use Of The Thames. One of the main resources that the river gives is water, the

Слайд 10In 1209 the first stone bridge across the Thames was opened

in London, and in 1215 on the Thames king John of England set the seal on the Magna Carta - the predecessor of the British Constitution. The Thames became the main waterway in the country.
In 1209 the first stone bridge across the Thames was opened in London, and in 1215 on

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