Презентация, доклад по английскому язку Совершенная школа

I think a perfect school is a modern building.You can study any subject you like.

Слайд 1 Project a perfect school. Made buy Olya Boykova Form 7B

Project a perfect school.     Made buy Olya Boykova  Form 7B

Слайд 2I think a perfect school is a modern building.You can study

any subject you like.
I think a perfect school is a modern building.You can study any subject you like.

Слайд 3Teachers and students would treat each other with respect.No school uniform

and special haircuts.
Teachers and students would treat each other with respect.No school uniform and special haircuts.

Слайд 4There would be a friendly atmosphere at school.

There would be a friendly atmosphere at school.

Слайд 5I think, in a perfect school there would be a rich

library and a big dining-hall
I think, in a perfect school there would be a rich library and a big dining-hall

Слайд 6 More over, a school would have its radio and newspaper.

More over, a school would have its radio and newspaper.

Слайд 7 In a word, students, teachers would go to

such a school with great pleasure.
In a word, students, teachers would go to such a school with great

Слайд 8Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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