Презентация, доклад по англисскому языку на тему Conjunctions

ConjunctionsConjunctions are connecting words Example: And adds things together in the sentence “I like baseball and soccer.” Or also joins, but makes an option “What do you

Слайд 1Conjunctions
Join Things

Conjunctions Join Things

Слайд 2Conjunctions
Conjunctions are connecting words

And adds things together in the sentence “I like baseball and soccer.”
Or also joins, but makes an option “What do you like best, dogs or cats?”
Or can also pose a question.

ConjunctionsConjunctions are connecting words   Example:         And adds

Слайд 3Using And/Or
Sentence 1: “I am going to play.”
Sentence 2: “I am

going to study.”
Using And to join:
“I am going to play, and I’m going to study.”
Using Or to join:
“ I am going to play, or I’m going to study.”
Using And/OrSentence 1: “I am going to play.”Sentence 2: “I am going to study.”		Using And to join:“I

Слайд 4Using a Comma
Before every joining word, a comma (,) must be

“I like soup, and I like sandwiches.”
You also must check that a and/or can be used by taking out the , and/, or and replacing it with a period.
Using a CommaBefore every joining word, a comma (,) must be used		Example:“I like soup, and I like

Слайд 5Different Conjunctions
Conjunctions aren’t only and/or, they are:
So, because, but, then, after,also

just a (,), etc.
Different Conjunctions Conjunctions aren’t only and/or, they are:So, because, but, then, after,also just a (,), etc.

Слайд 6More examples
No one came to save him, so he went off

to explore.

Alice smiled, and then turned to her rabbit
More examples No one came to save him, so he went off to explore.Alice smiled, and then

Слайд 7This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com

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a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.
This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.comhttp://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers.

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