Презентация, доклад Plant observation diary

Date____A plant needsthings to survive:- Water- Light- Nutrients ( found in soil)

Слайд 1My plant observation diary

My plant observation diary______________________________________________________________________________

Слайд 2 Date____

A plant needs
things to survive:
- Water

- Light

- Nutrients ( found in


Date____A plant needsthings to survive:- Water- Light- Nutrients ( found in soil)

Слайд 3Date______
Question. How does a plant grow in different substances:


Photo 1 (hydrogel)

Photo 4 (soil)

Photo 2 (cellulose)

Photo 3 (peat)

Date______Question. How does a plant grow in different substances: hydrogel, cellulose, peat,soil. Photo 1 (hydrogel)Photo 4 (soil)Photo

Слайд 4Date_______
I predict:
Soil is the best for my plants.

Peat as good as soil for my plants.
My plants can’t live in hydrogel.
My plants can’t live in cellulose.
My plants can live only in soil.
Date_______I predict:   Soil is the best for my plants.   Peat as good as

Слайд 5Date________
Some information:
A coating protects the seed from drying out and from

Date________Some information:A coating protects the seed from drying out and from injury.

Слайд 6Date_______
Some information:
Seeds wake up during a process

of germination.

My plant diary

Date_______    Some information:Seeds wake up during a process of germination.My plant diary

Слайд 7Date_____
Today I planted my plants:
I want them to grow big and

I will water them.
I will observe them every day and put the marks:
How tall are they?
How do they look like?

My plant diary

My plant diary

Date_____Today I planted my plants:I want them to grow big and strong. I will water them.I will

Слайд 8Date_____

My plant diary

Date_____ My plant diary

Слайд 9Date_______
My plants are fully grown, they are adult plants.
Their roots are

deep in the ground and they have all their leaves, which work hard to make food for the plants

Date_______My plants are fully grown, they are adult plants.Their roots are deep in the ground and they

Слайд 10Now I know…
I predicted….
In real….
Now I now that _________________________________________________

Now I know…I predicted….________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In real….________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now I now that __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Слайд 11GOOD LUCK !

GOOD        LUCK !

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