Презентация, доклад Описание и сравнение фотографий. Пошаговая инструкция

PART 1: MAKE A LINK BETWEEN THE PICTURES Both pictures show forms of transport by road, but in different locations.The two pictures both have one thing in common: they show different forms of transport.The theme connecting these

Слайд 1Describing Photographs 
Here are the steps to follow to give a good

description of a picture or make a comparison
Describing Photographs  Here are the steps to follow to give a good description of a picture or

Both pictures show forms

of transport by road, but in different locations.
The two pictures both have one thing in common: they show different forms of transport.
The theme connecting these two pictures is road transport.
Though the locations are completely different, both pictures feature forms of road transport.  

PART 1: MAKE A LINK BETWEEN THE PICTURES Both pictures show forms of transport by road, but in

Слайд 3Make a Link Between the Pictures 

Make a Link Between the Pictures 

Слайд 11Part 2: In the Pictures – Pick out Details 
Picture one depicts

a woman on a bicycle. Maybe she is on her way to work, or perhaps she has been shopping. There appear to be some parcels – they look like presents – in her basket. Judging by the fact that she has sunglasses, it is probably a sunny day. I would guess that she is in New York, as in the background we can see a yellow cab and typical New York shop fronts. The picture has been taken, I imagine, from the sidewalk.  

Part 2: In the Pictures – Pick out Details Picture one depicts a woman on a bicycle. Maybe

Слайд 12The picture(s):
is set/are set
focuses on

The picture(s):shows depicts illustrates is set/are set features focuses on

Слайд 13Areas of the picture:
in the background
in the foreground
on the

on the right
in the centre
in the corner
at the edge
just behind
in front of
next to/beside

Areas of the picture:in the background in the foreground on the left on the right in the

Слайд 14The picture has been taken:
from above
from below
from the side

face on
from behind (reverse angle)
at an angle
close up
at a distance

The picture has been taken:from above from below from the side face on from behind (reverse angle)

Слайд 15The picture(s):
seems to be
appears to be
is maybe/probably
gives the impression

of being
reminds me of
brings to mind
makes me think of

The picture(s):seems to be appears to be is maybe/probablygives the impression of being suggests reminds me of

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