Презентация, доклад на Английском языке: WWF- World Wildlife Fund- организация защиты природы.

The world is where we live!We are all connected!BECOME THE SUPPORTER OF WWF!Everyone can help, and you are including!JOIN GOOD AND REALLY IMPORTANT AFAIR!

Слайд 1WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
ГБПОУ ТК № №34 Вареник С.С.

WWF (World Wildlife Fund)ГБПОУ ТК № №34 Вареник С.С.

Слайд 2The world is where we live!
We are all connected!
Everyone can

help, and you are including!


The world is where we live!We are all connected!BECOME THE SUPPORTER OF WWF!Everyone can help, and you are including!JOIN GOOD

Слайд 3Advertising!!! This polar bear wants its baby to be saved.

Advertising!!! This polar bear wants its baby to be saved.

Слайд 4Our fragile world needs a strong defender.
May be you will be

this defender!!!
Our fragile world needs a strong defender.May be you will be this defender!!!

Слайд 5What is WWF?
WWF, the global conservation organization, is one of

the largest non-governmental nature conservation organizations in the world. It was established in 1961 thanks to the enthusiasm of a small group of people concerned about nature. Over the course of its work, WWF has grown into a large influential conservation organization, and today the panda, our famous logo, is recognized by millions of people in the most remote corners of our planet.

WWF implements close to 2,000 projects annually in more than 100 countries around the world. Our main goal is saving nature while working with people. This is why representatives of indigenous peoples, business, other NGOs, government bodies, and, of course, our nearly 5 million members are among WWF’s many partners. Without them, our successes would not be possible.
What is WWF? WWF, the global conservation organization, is one of the largest non-governmental nature conservation organizations

Слайд 6WWF in Russia.
WWF-Russia was established in 1994, and registered as a

national organization in 2004 remaining a member of the WWF global organization. In just over ten years, more than 150 projects have been implemented. In order for our nature protection work to proceed more effectively, we opened offices in those regions that are most important for nature conservation and invited the best local specialists to collaborate with us. It is thanks to them that the nature conservation movement is going strong, and it is they who, in many regards, determine WWF’s success in Russia.
WWF in Russia.WWF-Russia was established in 1994, and registered as a national organization in 2004 remaining a

Слайд 7Species
Habitat loss is the considered the greatest threat to wildlife in

Russia. 15% of vertebrate species and 4% of higher plants existing in Russia are considered as endanger of extinction. Other threats to the environment include illegal trade, environmental pollution, climate change, and unsustainable use of natural resources. WWF focuses on the conservation of species that are on the brink of extinction, specializing on those that are endemic to Russia, such as the Siberian tiger, Far Eastern leopard, Siberian white crane, Snow leopard, Russian desman, and European bison, among others.

In conjunction with WWF, special ‘Leopard’, ‘Tiger’ and ‘Snow Leopard’ groups are developing new tactics and programs to combat poaching. WWF’s efforts resulted in the creation of strict nature reserves around habitats of rare species. WWF-Russia also created the first wild herd of European bison and reintroduced the species into the wild after uncontrollable poaching eliminated the species in the European part of Russia in the beginning of the 20th century. Since the implementation of WWF’s European Bison Conservation Program in the early 1990’s, the number of bison in the wild amounts to more than 100 individuals.
SpeciesHabitat loss is the considered the greatest threat to wildlife in Russia. 15% of vertebrate species and

Слайд 8The beneficial results of programs carried out by WWF in collaboration

with other organizations are increasing by the day. According to a 2004-2005 survey, the Siberian tiger population has double since the 1980’s – today the population numbers about 500 individuals. Thanks to measures taken by WWF-Russia together with other non-government and governmental organizations, the population of Far Eastern leopard has increased by 20%.

WWF efforts and activities would be impossible without its supporters. Thanks to the donation made by WWF supporter Andrey Kartashov, the Information and Education Center «Dom Leoparda» («Leopard s Home») was created on the border between Barsovy and Kedrovaya Pad nature reserves in the Far East. This is the first major project carried out on a personal donation made by a WWF-Russia supporter.

The beneficial results of programs carried out by WWF in collaboration with other organizations are increasing by

Слайд 9look in their eyes, they also want to live!!!

look in their eyes, they also want to live!!!

Слайд 10How can we protect the polar bear during this difficult period?

In 2006, the World Wildlife Fund started the Bear Patrol project, which helps inhabitants of several small coastal villages in Chukotka to resolve the problem of the autumn incursion of polar bears. Today, the project encompasses the coast of the Russian Arctic from Kolguyev  Island in the west to the Bering Strait in the east. The locals who participate in the project, as well as their relatives and friends, are learning more about this living symbol of the Arctic. They understand their responsibility for the preservation of this unique animal. At present the Bear Patrol network includes 14 settlements, five meteorological stations and four  protected nature areas. Up to 40 people simultaneously take part in the field work for Bear Patrol.

Polar bear

How can we protect the polar bear during this difficult period? In 2006, the World Wildlife Fund

Слайд 11.
During the years that the project has been in existence, the

patrolmen have succeeded in protecting dozens of polar bears from the bullets of poachers, and two new protected areas have been set up for the conservation of sites where polar bears build dens for birthing. Much work has been done to educate the residents of coastal villages about ecology, to drive away polar bears from human settlements and to prevent conflicts between the animals and humans. Our patrolmen work in severe Arctic conditions, often dozens or hundreds of kilometers away from human settlements. Their work would be impossible without the support of nature lovers. We are thankful to our friends who have been helping our team for several years now to acquire modern snowmobiles and organize raids for polar bear protection. Only by working together can we help these splendid and unique creatures survive.
.During the years that the project has been in existence, the patrolmen have succeeded in protecting dozens

Слайд 12Bear patrol
The problems caused by global climate change, especially distinctly began

to occur in the Arctic in the early 2000s For example, it became apparent in Chukotka that the one-month delay of the formation of the ice cover of the Arctic coast is forcing polar bears to spend more time on the coast. This, in turn, led to an increase in the number of cases of conflict between a man and a dangerous predator, but also increased the likelihood that the bear will get shot by a poacher.

In 2006, with the support of WWF-Russia in one of the coastal Chukchi villages was formed by a group of volunteers, the initial goal was to patrol the surrounding area in October-December. At this time, along the coast from North-West to South-East are the polar bears, the landing approaching from the North ice in the Eastern part of the East Siberian sea. Attracted by the remains of walrus in the villages, polar bears inevitably attend and settlements.

Bear patrolThe problems caused by global climate change, especially distinctly began to occur in the Arctic in

Слайд 13A group of volunteers, unofficially known as "Bear patrol", warned the

villagers about the approaching polar bears and took steps to usher in the village bears. Seeing the potential of the project , experts from WWF Russia and the marine mammal Council suggested that the "Bear patrol" also collect basic information: the time and place of the meeting of polar bears, their number, sex and age structure. This information observers phone experts in Moscow. In subsequent years, WWF Russia began funding the development of a network of similar coastal observation stations in the Russian Arctic.

Currently, this network includes 15 municipalities, 6 station 7 natural protected areas (reserves and resources reserves) from O. the island on the West Russian Arctic to the Bering Strait in the East. Currently, the activity "Bear patrol includes: Coastal monitoring with participation of the inhabitants of the Arctic coastal settlements of Russia, the staff of coastal weather stations, protected natural areas. Anti-poaching activities. Environmental education of the local population.

A group of volunteers, unofficially known as

Слайд 14The polar bear is in danger!!!
Now there are 20-25 thousand polar

bears. By 2050 the population of this species could be reduced by 2/3. The reduction in the number of polar bears due to the following factors:

Poaching. The polar bears in the Russian Arctic prohibited by law from 1956 To 1973, the countries of the Arctic basin, signed the Agreement on the conservation of polar bears, which, after its ratification and entry into force (1976) became an international legal basis for the conservation, study and use of the species. However, the price of animals ' skins and other trophies of its production on the black market is very high. WWF Russia fully supports article 7 of the Agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States from 16 October 2000 "ON the CONSERVATION AND management of the ALASKA-CHUKOTKA polar BEAR POPULATION" which States that "No provision of this Agreement does not entitle on polar bears for commercial purposes".

The polar bear is in danger!!!Now there are 20-25 thousand polar bears. By 2050 the population of

Слайд 15The global warming. According to scientists, the area of ice cover

in the Arctic has decreased in recent years by 25%. However, the WWF experts believe that this is a very cautious and overly optimistic estimates, in fact, the melting of glaciers is much faster. According to Geological Bureau USA, Arctic glaciers, which is the natural habitat of polar bears, can be reduced in the coming decades by 42%.

The environmental pollution in the Arctic. The waters and coastal ecosystems are contaminated by pesticides, radionuclides, the products of combustion of fuel, heavy metals, fuels and lubricants, oil etc., the polar bear is a long-lived predator, so his body is exposed to high concentrations of many toxic substances anthropogenic.

The global warming. According to scientists, the area of ice cover in the Arctic has decreased in

Слайд 16Keep the house polar bears!
Last fall, the area and volume of

Arctic sea ice reached its historical minimum. Ice is an important habitat, hunting and breeding of polar bears. Global climate change leads to the fact that the ice vanishes, which means that polar bears disappear their home.

Now there are 20-25 thousand polar bears. By 2050 the population of this species could be reduced by two-thirds! Climate change, poaching, pollution of the Arctic, these are the reasons why the life of polar bears is in danger.

WWF is doing everything to keep the white house bears clean, safe and large enough that they could live, hunt and breed offspring. With the support of WWF were created "Bear patrol" - a special team of inspectors and volunteers who protect polar bears and cubs from poachers and prevent the collision of man and the polar bears, save the life of both.

Keep the house polar bears!Last fall, the area and volume of Arctic sea ice reached its historical

Слайд 17WWF explores the habitat of the polar bear in order to

create the protected area and make the white house bears safe. Is actively working with the oil and gas sector to the oil and gas were extracted as far as possible from the habitats of Arctic animals and their home was clean. Studies on climate change and implement programs to reduce the consequences of this phenomenon for the Arctic and its inhabitants, to the bears was where hunting and important and to whom.
WWF explores the habitat of the polar bear in order to create the protected area and make

Слайд 18All this work is only possible thanks to the support of

people who want to take care of the fate of the Arctic and its inhabitants. You can also help save the polar bear!
All this work is only possible thanks to the support of people who want to take care

Слайд 19You can help WWF's work in the Arctic and polar bears

having monthly debit from your card, either by making a one-time donation. Learn more about WWF's work in the Arctic, and what will your donations wwf.ru/arctic
You can help WWF's work in the Arctic and polar bears having monthly debit from your card,

Слайд 20They need your support! Help them!

They need your support! Help them!

Слайд 21Thank you for your attention , take care of nature and

its inhabitants!
Thank you for your attention , take care of nature and its inhabitants!

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