Презентация, доклад на английском языке Степени сравнения прилагательных

The great wall of China is (long) wall in the world.

Слайд 1


Слайд 2
The great wall of China is (long) wall in the world.

The great wall of China is (long) wall in the world.

Слайд 3
The ant is (small) than elephant.

The ant is (small) than elephant.

Слайд 4
Sahara is (large) desert in the world.

Sahara is (large) desert in the world.

Слайд 5
The clown is (funny) than the ghost.

The clown is (funny) than the ghost.

Слайд 6
The cheetah is the (fast) animal in the world.

The cheetah is the (fast) animal in the world.

Слайд 7
This exercise is very easy. Can you give me something (difficult)?

This exercise is very easy. Can you give me something (difficult)?

Слайд 8
It is (good) to be healthy than wealthy.

It is (good) to be healthy than wealthy.

Слайд 9
Robert is (lazy) than anyone I know. He never lifts a

finger to work.

Robert is (lazy) than anyone I know. He never lifts a finger to work.

Слайд 10
We all went to bed very late, but Kathy went to

bed (late).

We all went to bed very late, but Kathy went to bed (late).

Слайд 11
We all swam very far, but Manuel swam(far).

We all swam very far, but Manuel swam(far).

Слайд 12
Who is (talkative) person in class?

Who is (talkative) person in class?

Слайд 13
We both played well, but he was (lucky) than me.

We both played well, but he was (lucky) than me.

Слайд 14
Bees are (hardworking) than birds.

Bees are (hardworking) than birds.

Слайд 15
The Eiffel Tower is (tall) than Big Ben.

The Eiffel Tower is (tall) than Big Ben.

Слайд 16Constructions as….as (так же как ), not so…. as (не такой

же как)

Henry is as rich as Tom.
Генри также богат как и Том.
Spain is not so big as Russia.
Испания не такая большая как Россия.
Your dress is three times as expensive as mine.
Твое платье в три раза дороже моего.

Constructions as….as (так же как ),  not so…. as (не такой же как) Henry is as

Слайд 17Translate from Russian into English
Том такой же смешной как Ник.
Tom as

funny as Nick.
У Фреда нет столько детей как у Стива.
Fred doesn’t have as many children as Steve.
Она не такая красивая как ее сестра.
She is not so pretty as her sister.

Translate from Russian into EnglishТом такой же смешной как Ник.Tom as funny as Nick.У Фреда нет столько

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