Презентация, доклад на английском языке Добро пожаловать в Архангельскую область

learn about our native regionfind interesting and famous places in our regionlearn to appreciate our regionOur aims:

A. Gusak
pupils of the 9th form

WELCOME TO THE ARKHANGELSK REGIONS.SukhanovskayaA.Nasonova, A. Gusakpupils of the 9th form

Слайд 2learn about our native region
find interesting and famous places in our

learn to appreciate our region

Our aims:

learn about our native regionfind interesting and famous places in our regionlearn to appreciate our regionOur aims:

Слайд 3The Arkhangelsk Region lies in the North-European part of Russia.

has an area of 587.4 thousand square kilometres and is one of the largest in Russia.

It is bigger than France and six times the size of Bulgaria.

The population of the Region is only 1.5 million people

©Никитина С.А., Горшкова Е.В., Сиргиенко Л.В. 2007 г.

The Arkhangelsk Region lies in the North-European part of Russia. It has an area of 587.4 thousand

Слайд 4There are a lot of beautiful places in the Arkhangelsk region,

which attract tourists. Come and see them in any season. Let’s start our virtual tour.
You are welcome!
There are a lot of beautiful places in the Arkhangelsk region, which attract tourists. Come and see

Слайд 5Wish you were here.
The Solovetsky Archipelago (Solovki) is situated in the

White Sea and consists of six large and over 100 smaller islands.
Solovki is justly considered to be the gem of the White Sea. It is unique in its nature and historical background.

The main tourist attraction of the archipelago is the Solovetski Monastery founded at the beginning of the 15th century by two monks-hermits Sawati and Zossima.

Wish you were here.The Solovetsky Archipelago (Solovki) is situated in the White Sea and consists of six

Слайд 6Wish you were here.
Tourists coming to Arkhangelsk cannot leave it without

visiting the outdoor Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art in Malye Karely. It is situated in a picturesque place not far from Arkhangelsk. Visitors can see wooden churches, peasant log houses and other farm buildings, such is bams, wind-mills and bathhouses.

Wish you were here.Tourists coming to Arkhangelsk cannot leave it without visiting the outdoor Museum of Wooden

Слайд 7Wish you were here.

M. Lomonosov's house-museum was set up in the

village of Lomonosovo near Kholmogory

Museum exhibits tell the visitors about different periods in the scientist's life and different spheres of his interest.

Wish you were here..M. Lomonosov's house-museum was set up in the village of Lomonosovo near KholmogoryMuseum exhibits

Слайд 8Wish you were here.
The ancient town of Kargopol, once the busy

and prosperous way to the Northern territories, has become in modern times a museum town known for its superb architectural monuments of the 16th-18th centuries.
The beauty of its churches attracts tourists from all over the country as well as from abroad.

Popular souvenirs from the area are famous Kargopol toys: figurines of native people, animals or genre scenes made of clay and attractively painted.

©Никитина С.А., Горшкова Е.В., Сиргиенко Л.В. 2007 г.

Wish you were here.The ancient town of Kargopol, once the busy and prosperous way to the Northern

Слайд 9Wish you were here.
The Antoniev-Siysky Monastery is located in a

picturesque landscape amidst beautiful lakes.
Wish you were here. The Antoniev-Siysky Monastery is located in a picturesque landscape amidst beautiful lakes.

Слайд 10Wish you were here.
Yemetsk is a small town, the birthplace of

Nikolay Rubtsov, a well-known Russian poet.
Wish you were here.Yemetsk is a small town, the birthplace of Nikolay Rubtsov, a well-known Russian poet.

Слайд 11Wish you were here.
Verkola, a small village in Pinezhski District,
is the

place where Fyodor Abramov, a well-known writer, was born and spent his childhood.
A museum of Fyodor Abramov was set up in the local school, which he attended as a boy.

The monastery of St.Artemi of Verkola founded in 1645.

Wish you were here.Verkola, a small village in Pinezhski District,is the place where Fyodor Abramov, a well-known

Слайд 12
There are a lot of beautiful places in our region, which

attract tourists. And we hope all people can afford a holiday in the Arkhangelsk region.

English teacher Sorvanova A.P, 2014

CONCLUSION:There are a lot of beautiful places in our region, which attract tourists. And we hope all

Слайд 13Источники:
Региональный компонент общего образования Архангельской области, ДОиН администрации Архангельской области. АОИППК,

Архангельск 2006 г.
Энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия

English teacher Sorvanova A.P, 2014

Источники:Региональный компонент общего образования Архангельской области, ДОиН администрации Архангельской области. АОИППК, Архангельск 2006 г.Энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодияhttp://www.photoline.ru/http://ag--007.narod.ruhttp://www.piter-photo.ruhttp://ec-dejavu.ruhttp://project.rsl.ruhttp://www.aroundrus.ruhttp://fabramov.nm.ruhttp://folk.pomorsu.ru/http://www.riverships.ru/http://www.bibliotekar.ruhttp://russia.rin.ruhttp://www.abook-online.ruhttp://www.booksite.ruhttp://astrogen.narod.ruvhttp://nautilus.zp.uavhttp://www.extremeview.ruhttp://gr2701.narod.ruvvEnglish

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