Презентация, доклад My hometown in 20 years

Purpose of project:To educate students to love to his native land.The education of the youth of careful attitude to the nature of the native land, kindness and okrujaushei us to the world.

Слайд 1
My hometown in 20 years!

My hometown in 20 years!

Слайд 2Purpose of project:
To educate students to love to his native land.

education of the youth of careful attitude to the nature of the native land, kindness and okrujaushei us to the world.
Purpose of project:To educate students to love to his native land.The education of the youth of careful

Слайд 3Objectives of the project
Find out the features of the development history

of the native land.
To form among classmates ' cognitive interest in the history of the native land

Objectives of the projectFind out the features of the development history of the native land.To form among

Слайд 4My city, it sounds proud and casts the brightest associations. The

city in which you were born and grew up, the city in which the school years pass. Every street is familiar here, and the familiar road is already becoming a way for dreams and reflection. Sometimes , we do not even notice the beauty of the trees passing by , do not pay attention to the change of seasons, the coloring of leaves with scarlet or wilting of nature.
My city, it sounds proud and casts the brightest associations. The city in which you were born

Слайд 5Probably everyone will be able to name a few of the

main attractions of his hometown: monuments and squares , museums and theaters, stretched along the central streets to please the visitors. But , only a local resident , has his memorable places , while in which thoughts begin their flight , but the soul opens. These are the secrets of the city, which the visitor is not given to know.
Probably everyone will be able to name a few of the main attractions of his hometown: monuments

Слайд 7Walking along these streets, its hard to even imagine that they,

like everyone else, will soon change , play with new facades and colors. Rather , we represent the city of the past that was in these places for several years, and maybe centuries ago. How a young city was built and how the ancient was changed can be understood from photographs, architecture, stories of grandmothers. But how still it is difficult to imagine that all this may not happen tomorrow.
Walking along these streets, its hard to even imagine that they, like everyone else, will soon change

Слайд 9Change I only a new stage of development.
What will happen to

my city in 5 or 10 years? What will appear , and what remains only in memory is difficult to say. Certainly , in the central streets there will not be these old facades and shop windows. I will restore the facades , but the windows will be replaced be others, they will become fashionable, shiny, but completely different. The cardinal changes will be noticed by someone who was lived in the city for many years, will leave , leave him , and after many years he will understand that he is no longer the same, man and city.
Change I only a new stage of development.What will happen to my city in 5 or 10

Слайд 10Perhaps , new roads will be laid, landscape designers will work

on parks, architects will plan new skyscrapers and shopping and entertainment centers, which, like mushrooms around the tree , will grow on the central streets. And maybe even after many years , there will be air raids , with buses moving by air , and motorists will be able to fly not only at different speeds, but at different heights. We differ in readiness to calmly take and absorb, like a sponge, these changes
Perhaps , new roads will be laid, landscape designers will work on parks, architects will plan new

Слайд 11The conclusion of the project:
We should be proud of their native

The conclusion of the project:We should be proud of their native region.

Слайд 12Thanks you for attention!

Thanks you for attention!

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