Презентация, доклад Money and it s importance

Do you remember the symbols of different currencies? Let’s check up!

Слайд 1Money and its Importance

Money and its Importance

Слайд 3Do you remember the symbols of different currencies? Let’s check up!

Do you remember the symbols of different currencies? Let’s check up!

Слайд 4Six Thinking Hats

Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono is regarded by many

to be the leading authority in the world in the field of creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. He has written 62 books with translations into 37 languages and has been invited to lecture in 54 countries.
EDWARD DE BONO  Edward de Bono is regarded by many to be the leading authority in

Слайд 8Conclusion
Monetary policy becomes the most important means of

economy policy in crisis period .
Conclusion  Monetary policy becomes the most important means of economy policy in crisis period .

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