Презентация, доклад Leicester Square (Spotlight 5, Module 9)

Leicester Square is a  square in the West End of London, England. It was laid out in 1670 and is named after  Earl of Leicester who built  Leicester House at the northern end.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Leicester Square is a  square in the West End of London, England. It was laid out

in 1670 and is named after  Earl of Leicester who built  Leicester House at the northern end.
Leicester Square is a  square in the West End of London, England. It was laid out in 1670 and is named after 

Слайд 3Leicester Square is London's home of entertainment. Enjoy a west end

show, an international cinema premiere, relax in one of the many hotels, restaurants and bars or visit one of London's top attractions.
Leicester Square is London's home of entertainment. Enjoy a west end show, an international cinema premiere, relax

Слайд 4The Odeon  is a cinema which occupies the centre of the eastern

side of Leicester Square in London
The Odeon  is a cinema which occupies the centre of the eastern side of Leicester Square in London

Слайд 5The square has always had a park in its centre.

The square has always had a park in its centre.

Слайд 6Christmas at Leicester Square

Christmas at Leicester Square

Слайд 7Источники




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