Презентация, доклад к уроку в 9 классе Дом Премьер-Министра (учебник Spotlight)

Most of the modern exterior shape and features of Number 10 were created by Kent when he combined the house at the back with the Downing Street townhouses in 1735. It’s outside appearance is basically the

Слайд 110 Downing Street

10 Downing Street

Слайд 2Most of the modern exterior shape and features of Number 10

were created by Kent when he combined the house at the back with the Downing Street townhouses in 1735. It’s outside appearance is basically the same today as it was when he completed his work. An exception is the now famous front door entrance.
Most of the modern exterior shape and features of Number 10 were created by Kent when he

Слайд 3Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher with US First Lady Nancy Reagan in 1986 standing

in the entrance hall with its distinctive black and white chequered marble floor.

Entrance hall

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher with US First Lady Nancy Reagan in 1986 standing in the entrance hall with its

Слайд 4The largest is the Pillared Room thought to have been created

in 1796 by Taylor.. It name originates from two identical columns, with ionic pilasters. Above a fire-place the portrait of queen Elisabeth I hangs now.

Pillared Room

The largest is the Pillared Room thought to have been created in 1796 by Taylor.. It name originates from two identical columns, with ionic pilasters. Above a fire-place the portrait of queen Elisabeth I

Слайд 5Now, try to retell this text with the help of this


10 Downing Street has been the home of British prime ministers since 1730.
It is a place where many official functions, Cabinet meeting and state dinner take place.
Number 10 looks like an ordinary house but inside it is an extremely grand place.
There is the State Dining Room, the Study, the Terracotta Room and the White Drawing Room.
The Prime Minister’s private home is a furnished flat on the second floor.
The Prime Minister also has his own study where he works.

Now, try to retell this text  with the help of this outline 10 Downing Street has

Слайд 610 …………. Street has been the ……..of British ……… ministers since

It …. a place where ……. official functions, Cabinet meeting and state ……… take place.
Number … looks like an ordinary ……. but inside … is an extremely ……. place.
There is …. State Dining ……., the Study, the Terracotta Room and the …… Drawing Room.
The …… Minister’s private …….. is a furnished ……. on the ………. floor.
The Prime ………… also has ….. own study where …. works.
10 …………. Street has been the ……..of British ……… ministers since 1730.It …. a place where …….

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