Презентация, доклад к уроку в 6 классе Does your health depends on you?

Does health depend on you?Health is the greatest wealth.Здоровье – величайшее богатство.

Слайд 127. 02. 2012
Презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по

теме «Здоровье».

Учитель: Кибирева Е.Н.

27. 02. 2012Презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по теме «Здоровье».Учитель: Кибирева Е.Н.

Слайд 2Does health depend on you?
Health is the greatest wealth.
Здоровье – величайшее

Does health depend on you?Health is the greatest wealth.Здоровье – величайшее богатство.

Слайд 3Phonetic drill

Ruth has a toothache.
Teddy has a cold.
Fred has a

Eddie’s getting old.
Sam has a stomachache.
Frankie has the flu.
Jack has a backache.
Tony has one, too.

Ruth has a toothache.
Teddy has a cold.
Fred has a headache.
Eddie’s getting old.

Phonetic drill Ruth has a toothache.Teddy has a cold.Fred has a headache.Eddie’s getting old.Sam has a stomachache.Frankie

Слайд 4Answer the questions
Do you do morning exercises every day?

How often do

you clean your teeth?
How often we must visit a dentist?
What can you say about walking?
What about washing hands?
What food must you eat to be healthy?
Do you have medical checks very often?

Answer the questionsDo you do morning exercises every day?How often do you clean your teeth?How often we

Слайд 5Reading the text
Translate the words into English.
идти в больницу
медицинская сестра
принимать специальное


удалить гланды

кабинет неотложной помощи

сломать руку


заполнять разные документы

иметь собственную палату

очень болен

Reading the textTranslate the words into English.идти в больницумедицинская сестрапринимать специальное лекарствоудалить гландыкабинет неотложной помощисломать рукузаботитьсязаполнять разные

Слайд 6It is scary ………..

, but doctors, ……. are there to help people ……………..

You should ………….. that you can’t take at home.

to go to a hospital


You should have surgery ………………

Another way that kids go to the hospital is through the …………………….

feel better.

take special medicine

to take out your tonsils.

emergency room.

In the emergency room, the doctors and nurses ……… and help you feel better.

You mom should ………..

will take care of you

fill out a lot of different papers.

It is scary       ………..   , but doctors, …….

Слайд 7
You should
Wash your face with warm water every day
Often wash your

Eat healthy foods
Keep towels clean
Go to the doctor

You should not

Use much soap when you wash
Worry much about spots

ListeningYou shouldWash your face with warm water every dayOften wash your hairEat healthy foodsKeep towels cleanGo to

Слайд 8
Some children think a lot about their health. Others don’t.
What do

you think about health and doctors?
Our opinions.
SpeakingSome children think a lot about their health. Others don’t.What do you think about health and doctors?Our

Слайд 9Role play
How are you?
What’s the matter?
I’m fine, thank you.
I’m sorry to

hear that.
You should consult the doctor.
I feel horrible.
That’s a good idea.

Role playHow are you?What’s the matter?I’m fine, thank you.I’m sorry to hear that.You should consult the doctor.I

Слайд 10Writing
Write a note to your teacher.
Explain why you can’t come to



I can’t come to school today because____________________________________________


WritingWrite a note to your teacher.Explain why you can’t come to school.  _____________dateDear________________________I can’t come to

Слайд 11Cultural awareness
How well do you know British culture?

1. The emergency number

in Britain is

a. 999

2. A general practitioner is

a. a school doctor

3. Your medical history is

a. a history of medicine

4. British people think that healthy food is

a. coffee

b. 01

c. 911

b. a family doctor

c. a surgeon

b. a historical books about doctors

c. notes about your health

b. apples

c. cakes

Cultural awarenessHow well do you know British culture?1. The emergency number in Britain is a. 9992. A

Слайд 12Homework
Reader № 6 page 42-43

HomeworkReader № 6 page 42-43

Слайд 13Thank you for the lesson

Thank you for the lesson

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