Презентация, доклад к уроку. Unit 4. Lesson 7

2. Cut potatoes and put of saucepan. Boil ten minutes.1. Put meat of saucepan and fill up water. Salt. Boil one hour.

Слайд 1Soup “Borshch”
1. One piece of meat.
2. One teaspoon of salt.
3. Four

tablespoon of oil.
4. Two liters of water.
5. One carrot.
6. One onion.
7. One beetroot.
8. Six potatoes.
9. Six tablespoon of sour cream.
10. One cabbage.
11. Greens.

Soup “Borshch”Ingredients:1. One piece of meat.2. One teaspoon of salt.3. Four tablespoon of oil.4. Two liters of

Слайд 22. Cut potatoes and put of saucepan. Boil ten minutes.
1. Put

meat of saucepan and fill up water. Salt. Boil one hour.
2. Cut potatoes and put of saucepan. Boil ten minutes.1. Put meat of saucepan and fill up

Слайд 34. Cut onion. Grate carrot and beetroot. Stew on frying pan.

3. Cut cabbage and put of saucepan. Boil ten minutes.

5. Put in saucepan.

4. Cut onion. Grate carrot and beetroot. Stew on frying pan. 3. Cut cabbage and put of

Слайд 46. Cut greens.
7. Fill up soup in plate.
8. Put greens and

sour cream in plate.
9. Enjoy.
6. Cut greens.7. Fill up soup in plate.8. Put greens and sour cream in plate.9. Enjoy.

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