Презентация, доклад к уроку по теме Полезная и вредная еда 7 кл

The aim of the lesson : Lean how to talk about healthy and junk food. - Revise vocabulary and grammar material - Develop reading and speaking skillsToday you willTell what you see on the

Слайд 1You are what you eat !

You are what you eat !

Слайд 2The aim of the lesson : Lean how to talk about

healthy and junk food. - Revise vocabulary and grammar material - Develop reading and speaking skills

Today you will
Tell what you see on the pictures ( food and drink)
Tell what can you usually find in container
Read the quiz
Repeat countable and uncountable nouns
Use the quantifiers
Make up the dialogues
Learn phrasal verb « take»
Prepare for writing

The aim of the lesson :  Lean how to talk about healthy and junk food.

Слайд 4Containers
Box of …
Can of …
Carton of …

of …
Cup of …
Tin of …
Packet of …
Jar of …
ContainersBox of …    Can of …Carton of …Bottle of …Cup of …Tin of …Packet

Слайд 5Let`s rest for awhile

Let`s rest for awhile

Слайд 6Quantifiers
A lot of

мн. ч.
A few
a/an – ед.ч.
+ some, …
- any…
? any …

A lot of
A little (немного)

+ some, …
- any…
? any…

Countable( исчисляемые) - are- (мн.ч.)

Uncountable ( неисчисляемые) -is-

QuantifiersSomeManyAnyA lot of              мн.

Слайд 7No, there aren’t any …,
but there is some ….
Are there

No, there aren’t any …, but there is some ….Are there any….?

Слайд 8 - Are there any apples (eggs)
- Is there

any cola?

Yes , there is a lot of cola.

- Are there any apples (eggs)  - Is  there any cola? Yes , there

Слайд 9 Take
Take sth off = remove a peace clothing

Take sth back = return sth you bought
Take sth out = invite sb out with you
Take sth away = order food and take it with you
TakeTake sth off   = remove a peace clothing   Take sth back =

Слайд 10Homework :
Workbook p.53
Plan :
On Saturday my diet

was healthy/ unhealthy.
I had…( for breakfast, for lunch…)
On Sunday my diet was healthy/ unhealthy.
I bought a bottle of …,a packet of…

Student`s Book ex 6 p. 87

Homework :   Workbook p.53 Plan :On Saturday my diet was healthy/ unhealthy. I had…( for

Слайд 11Thank you for your work!

Thank you for your work!

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