Презентация, доклад к уроку иностранного языка на тему: Steve Jobs - a genius of our time

- Was Steve Jobs a successful person? Why? - Is there anything in the text that surprised you?

Автор: Королёва Оксана Евгеньевна,

преподаватель иностранного языка КГБ ПОУ КЛПТ
STEVE JOBS – A GENIUS OF OUR TIME Автор: Королёва Оксана Евгеньевна, преподаватель иностранного языка КГБ ПОУ

Слайд 6- Was Steve Jobs a successful person? Why? - Is there anything

in the text that surprised you?
- Was Steve Jobs a successful person? Why?  - Is there anything in the text that


Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco on the

24 of February in 1955.

STEVE JOBS Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco on the 24 of February in

Слайд 8He attended Elementary, Junior and High School in California.
In 1972

he entered a college in Oregon, but he dropped it out after six months because it was not interesting for him. But he continued to visit creative classes. He was not reach, therefore he slept on the floor in the friend’s rooms, returned bottles for money and got free meals.
He attended Elementary, Junior and High School in California. In 1972 he entered a college in Oregon,

Слайд 9In 1971 common friend Bill Fernandez introduced Steve Wozniak to Steve

Jobs. In 1974 Jobs traveled to India and stayed there for 7 months. He changed his apeareance and wore traditional Indian clothes.
In 1971 common friend Bill Fernandez introduced Steve Wozniak to Steve Jobs. In 1974 Jobs traveled to

Слайд 10In 1976 Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple computer in the garage

of Job’s parents in order to sell it.
In 1976 Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple computer in the garage of Job’s parents in order to

It is Apple logo. Besides that there is the rainbow

apple. It was created in 1977. In 1985 Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT. The NeXT Computer was introduced in 1989.
THINK DIFFERENT It is Apple logo. Besides that there is the rainbow apple. It was created in

Слайд 12In 1996 Apple bought NeXT. Jobs returned to the company and

became a chief. Under Jobs’ guidance the company increased sales significantly with the introduction of the iMac and other new productions, for example, iPod, a portable music player.
In 1996 Apple bought NeXT. Jobs returned to the company and became a chief. Under Jobs’ guidance

Слайд 13On the 27th of June in 2007 Apple entered phone buisness

with the introduction of the iPhone, a multi – touch display phone, which included the features of an iPod. Over the next period Jobs oversaw the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad which are very popular and are sold all over the world.
On the 27th of June in 2007 Apple entered phone buisness with the introduction of the iPhone,

Слайд 14In 2003 Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He continued to

work for Apple as Chairman of the Board intill his death. On the 5th of October in 2011 he died at the age of 56.

In 2003 Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He continued to work for Apple as Chairman of

Слайд 15- Was Steve Jobs a successful person? Why? - Is there anything

in the text that surprised you?
- Was Steve Jobs a successful person? Why?  - Is there anything in the text that

Слайд 17Ex. I believe that a successful person should be industrious.

Ex. I believe that a successful person should be industrious.industrious;creativecleverindependentbalanceddisciplinedrespected

Слайд 21Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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