Презентация, доклад к уроку А.П.Чехов по английскому языку, 7 класс УМК Spotlight

Aim: To find out what the literary translation is

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 Aim: To find out what the literary translation is

Aim: To find out what the literary translation is

Слайд 3Our Tasks:
1) Is it difficult to be a translator?
2) Compare the

original text and its translation
3) Try to be a translator
Our Tasks:1) Is it difficult to be a translator?2) Compare the original text and its translation3) Try

Слайд 5Born 29 January, 1860 Taganrog, Russia Nationality Russian Died 15 July, 1904 (aged 44) Badenweiler, Germany Occupation Physician,

short story writer, playwright

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Born	29 January, 1860 Taganrog, Russia  Nationality Russian  Died	15 July, 1904 (aged 44) Badenweiler, Germany

Слайд 6Answer the questions
1. When was Chekhov born?
He was born…

Where did he live?
He lived …
3. What nationality was he?
He was…
4. What was Chekhov’s occupation?
His occupation was…
5. When did Chekhov die?
He died in …
6. Where did he die?
7. What was the reason of his death?
Answer the questions1. When was Chekhov born?  He was born…2. Where did he live? He lived

Слайд 7Vocabulary:
peasant [ ˈpez.ənt ]
miserable [ˈmɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l]
depressed [dɪˈprɛst]
rail [reɪl]
screw nuts [skruː nʌts]

tell lies [tel laɪz]
sleeper [ˈsliːpə]

Vocabulary: peasant [ ˈpez.ənt ]miserable [ˈmɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l]depressed [dɪˈprɛst] rail [reɪl]screw nuts [skruː nʌts] tell lies [tel laɪz]sleeper [ˈsliːpə]

Слайд 9“A Malefactor”
чрезвычайно тощий мужичонка
в латаных портах
он бос
подойди поближе и отвечай

на мои вопросы
застал тебя за отвинчиванием гайки, коей рельсы прикрепляются к шпалам
знамо, было
мы из гаек грузла делаем
мы, народ
не без ума делаем
“A Malefactor” маленькийчрезвычайно тощий мужичонкав латаных портахон босподойди поближе и отвечай на мои вопросызастал тебя за отвинчиванием

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