Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка Заповедники Шотландии Scotland's National Nature Reserves


Слайд 1

Слайд 2Russia


Слайд 4This animals you can find only in Russia
Northern reindeer

This animals you can find only in Russia Northern reindeer

Слайд 5Выхухоль
the vyhuhol (muskrat)

Выхухольthe vyhuhol (muskrat)

Слайд 6Путоранский снежный баран

Putoran snow sheep

Путоранский снежный баранPutoran snow sheep

Слайд 7
Байкальская нерпа-The Baikal seal

Байкальская нерпа-The Baikal seal

Слайд 8Do you know this country ?
United Kingdom

Do you know this country ?United KingdomScotland

Слайд 10Scotland's National Nature Reserves

Scotland's National Nature Reserves

Слайд 11St Kilda

St Kilda

Слайд 12St Kilda

St Kilda

Слайд 13Puffins
St Kilda
St. Kilda - Outer Hebrides, Scotland

PuffinsSt KildaSt. Kilda - Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Слайд 14Loch Lomond

Loch Lomond

Слайд 15Loch Lomond

Loch Lomond

Слайд 16Insh Marshes

Insh Marshes

Слайд 17Insh Marshes

Insh Marshes

Слайд 18 Ex 2.
1.Explain words.
2.Find the words for: 2 habitats, 4 kinds of

birds, 3 other kinds of animals, 2 plants.
Ex 2.1.Explain words.2.Find the words for: 2 habitats, 4 kinds of birds, 3 other kinds of

Слайд 19uncommon animal
land kept for a special purpose
special, rare
birds similar to

a strong-smelling plant used in cooking
a high area of land with a steep side
birds that live near the sea and get their food from it
an area of very wet, muddy land with wild plants growing on it
to build a nest and lay eggs

rare species
to nest (v)

uncommon animalland kept for a special purposespecial, rare birds similar to ducks a strong-smelling plant used in

Слайд 202 habitats: wetlands, woods
4 kinds of birds: Puffins, Golden Eagle, swans, geese

other kinds of animals: sheep, fieldmice, deer
2 plants: bluebells, wild garlic
2 habitats: wetlands, woods 4 kinds of birds: Puffins, Golden Eagle, swans, geese 3 other kinds of

Слайд 21Guess!
What are these pictures illustrated?

Guess! What are these pictures illustrated?

Слайд 22Ex 3.
Make notes about each nature reserve under the headings: location, famous for, what

you can see there, best time to visit.
Ex 3.Make notes about each nature reserve under the headings: location, famous for, what you can see

Слайд 24Collect information under the headings from Ex. 3 about some nature reserves in your

country. Write an article about them or you can do presentation with it


Collect information under the headings from Ex. 3 about some nature reserves in your country. Write an

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