Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка во 2 классе по теме День рождения (УМК Spotlight)

«My birthday»

Слайд 1«My birthday»
2th form
Dzhadzhieva T. I.

«My birthday»2th formTeacher: Dzhadzhieva T. I.

Слайд 2«My birthday»

«My birthday»

Слайд 3 « My birthday»

« My birthday»

Слайд 4Our plan for the lesson
We’ll work with new words.
We’ll count.
We’ll read.

learn and sing song.
Our plan for the lessonWe’ll work with new words.We’ll count.We’ll read.We’ll learn and sing song.

Слайд 5New words
1. Listening (ex.1 p.44 )
2. Your choice:
Game “Lotto”
Game “Guess”
Game “Chain”


New words1. Listening (ex.1 p.44 )2. Your choice:Game “Lotto”Game “Guess”Game “Chain”3.Ex. 1p.46

Слайд 6Physical exercises

Physical exercises

Слайд 7 Choose the right word - How old are you? - I’m seven /one

7 - I’m three / ten 10 - I’m two / six 2 - I’m five / nine 5


2 pair

Choose the right word  - How old are you?  - I’m seven /one

Слайд 8Dialogue
It’s my Birthday today!
-How old are you?
-I  am 8.
-Happy Birthday!

Dialogue It’s my Birthday today!-How old are you?-I  am 8.-Happy Birthday!-Thank you!

Слайд 9I am happy today (song)

I am happy today (song)

Слайд 10Домашнее задание

Ex. 3, p. 47;
to learn new words

new words

Домашнее  задание Ex. 3, p. 47;  to learn new wordswrite new words

Слайд 11What can you say about your work on the lesson?

Let’ show

it on our pyramid!
What can you say about your work on the lesson? Let’ show it on our pyramid!

Слайд 12You are clever !

You are clever !

Слайд 13

Lesson is over.

Lesson is over.Goodbye!

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