Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка в 7 классе Эдинбург

About the castleEdinburgh castle is the old castle in the center of Scottish capital-Edinburgh. Nowadays the castle is a main tourist sightseeing in Great Britain.The castle is situated on the top of Castle Rock.

Слайд 1
Spotlight 7
Places of interests of Great Britain.

Edinburgh castle

Spotlight 7Places of interests of Great Britain.Edinburgh castle

Слайд 2About the castle
Edinburgh castle is the old castle in the center

of Scottish capital-Edinburgh. Nowadays the castle is a main tourist sightseeing in Great Britain.
The castle is situated on the top of Castle Rock.
About the castleEdinburgh castle is the old castle in the center of Scottish capital-Edinburgh. Nowadays the castle

Слайд 3St. Margaret’s Chapel
St. Margaret’s Chapel-the oldest church in the castle. Built

in the beginning of the XII century by King David in the Roman Style. The church have 5 stained-glass windows.
St. Margaret’s ChapelSt. Margaret’s Chapel-the oldest church in the castle. Built in the beginning of the XII

Слайд 4One O’clock Gun
One o’clock gun situated on the Mills-Mount battery. Every

day, besides Sundays and Christmas at one o’clock the gun is shooting/
One O’clock GunOne o’clock gun situated on the Mills-Mount battery. Every day, besides Sundays and Christmas at

Слайд 5Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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