Презентация, доклад на тему Food for thought 10th grade

Are you healthy? Do you eat things that are good for you? Do you think about your diet? Do you ever eat too much/too little?



Слайд 2 Are you healthy?
Do you eat things that are

good for you?
Do you think about your diet?
Do you ever eat too much/too little?
Do you take vitamins?


Are you healthy? Do you eat things that are

Delicacy ['delikәsi] – деликатес, жеңсік
Celebration [seli'breiSәn]– тойлау, мейрамдау
Rare [rea`]-

Nest [ nest] - ұя
Urchins [`ә:tSin] – теңіз кірпісі
Locust ['lәukәst]– шегіртке
Snail [sneil] - ұлу
Tribe [traib] – тайпа
Tarantula [ta'rәentjula] – бүйі
Seaweed ['si:wi:d] - балдыр
Eel [ i: l]- жыланбалық
Squid [skwid] – кальмар
Octopus [‘oktәpәs]- сегізаяқ
ACTIVE VOCABULARYDelicacy ['delikәsi] – деликатес, жеңсік Celebration [seli'breiSәn]– тойлау, мейрамдауRare [rea`]- сирекNest [ nest] - ұяUrchins [`ә:tSin]

Слайд 4Read the text
There are over 200 different countries

in the world. Often, a single country contains many cultures.
Since earliest times, people al over the world have considered certain dishes to be delicacies - special food which they eat during festivals and celebrations. But a delicacy in one country may seem very unpleasant to someone from a completely different culture.
Chinese make a very rare expensive soup out of the nest of a particular kind of bird. In Japan sea urchins are popular dish. Aborigines in Australia eat locusts, the French and Spain enjoy eating snails. There`s even a tribe in Central America who eat tarantulas` eggs.
So, why is the idea of eating insects or snails, or spider`s eggs more unpleasant than the idea of eating fish and chicken? It`s all question of culture and tradition. For example, the Japanese eat seaweed, but most of them find the cheese disgusting. In Thailand snakes are a delicacy. The British people wouldn`t eat snakes, but eels are a traditional food. A lot of British people don`t like the idea of eating squid, octopus or snails, but in the most other European countries, these are normal foods.

Read the text  There are over 200 different countries in the world. Often, a single country

Слайд 5Let`s sing a song

Let`s sing a song

Слайд 6Exercise 8, page 65.
Complete the table

Exercise 8, page 65. Complete the table

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