Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка тема: Free time

What are you doing?

Слайд 1Открытый урок по английскому языку 6 А класс
Казначеева а.н.

Открытый урок  по английскому языку 6 А классУчительКазначеева а.н.

Слайд 2What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Слайд 3What are they doing?
They are reading.

What are they doing?They are reading.

Слайд 4What are they doing?
They are playing basketball.

What are they doing?They are playing basketball.

Слайд 5What is he doing?
He is fishing.

What is he doing?He is fishing.

Слайд 6What is it doing?
It is cycling.

What is it doing?It is cycling.

Слайд 7What is she doing?
She is swimming?

What is she doing?She is swimming?

Слайд 8What is she doing?
She is windsurfing.

What is she doing?She is windsurfing.

Слайд 9What is she doing?
She is painting.

What is she doing?She is painting.

Слайд 11Repeat
Playing games

RepeatSwimmingWindsurfingReadingCyclingPaintingFishingPlaying games

Слайд 12Make up a sentence
All children like to play

football after school

All children don’t like to play football after school.

Do all children like to play football after school?

Make up a sentence All children liketoplayfootballafterschoolAll children like to play football after schoolAll children don’t like

Слайд 13Music break )))))

Music break )))))

Слайд 14Do you like the lesson?
What do you like more songs, a

game , a music break, a puzzle game, a group work?
Have you had some free time at this lesson?
How have you worked at this lesson? Cool!!!! Excellent!!! Good!!! Not well!!! I don’t remember I was sleeping!!!

Answer the questions

Do you like the lesson?What do you like more songs, a game , a music break, a

Слайд 15Homework
Dialog p.57 read again and translate
Ex. 6 p.57
Lear all new words

HomeworkDialog p.57 read again and translateEx. 6 p.57Lear all new words

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