Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка Talking Turkey

You know of course, that there are some public holidays in Great Britain. The most popular holiday is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. People usually spend time at home, with their families,

Слайд 1Talking Тurkey

Talking Тurkey

Слайд 2You know of course, that there are some public holidays in

Great Britain. The most popular holiday is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. People usually spend time at home, with their families, еat special food. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everybody gives and receives presents.
You know of course, that there are some public holidays in Great Britain. The most popular holiday

Слайд 3People decorate Christmas trees with toys and coloured lights, buy Christmas

cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney and full them with toys and sweets. In churches people sing Christmas carols – special religious songs.
People decorate Christmas trees with toys and coloured lights, buy Christmas cards and send them to their

Слайд 5 Roy has quite positive attitude to Christmas. He considers the Christmas

is great Holiday and he likes Santa’s look. Also he prefers buying presents than getting them. Roy doesn’t support traditions about decorations. All he needs is good company and relaxing atmosphere.
 Roy has quite positive attitude to Christmas. He considers the Christmas is great Holiday and he likes

Слайд 6Lydia has extremely negative attitude to celebration of Christmas. She doesn’t

even respect any of traditions. She thinks it is stupid holiday, just wasting money. She doesn’t believe in Bible. And she hates Santa Claus, elves and reindeer. If she met Santa Claus she would steal all presents and sell them down at the local market.
Lydia has extremely negative attitude to celebration of Christmas. She doesn’t even respect any of traditions. She

Слайд 7I prefer to have a positive outlook. Christmas is light holiday.

I think people become kinder in this time of the year. Whole atmosphere with all kinds decoration gives nice feelings. As a rule I celebrate Christmas with my family. We say to each other our warmest wishes, spread happiness and good cheer during this festival. 
I prefer to have a positive outlook. Christmas is light holiday. I think people become kinder in

Слайд 8друзья (как говорят, в основном, мужчины)
не быть заинтересованным в
критиковать особенно несправедливо

или раздражающим способом
то, что не заслуживают серьезного внимания (неформально)
не любить что-то или делать что-то часто, потому что это вам понравится
ряд различных вещей (неформально)
очень привлекательно, модно (неформально)
вызывает большой шок и удивление
друзья (как говорят, в основном, мужчины)не быть заинтересованным вкритиковать особенно несправедливо или раздражающим способомто, что не заслуживают

Слайд 9In prehistoric times children were served last and got leftovers. In

Victorian times children had to follow a set of rules.
Father of the family became top dog and took precedence over all others.
Children were required not to speak until spoken to, ask permission to leave the table.
Children are forced to come to the table and comply with the set of rules.
In prehistoric times children were served last and got leftovers. In Victorian times children had to follow

Слайд 101 be served (еда должна выдаваться)
2 leftovers (пища, которую не съели)

be held (быть организованным)
4 take precedence (имеют право ставить перед другими, потому что большее значение)
5 on special occasions(на различные праздники и торжества)
6 ask permission to do sth (спросить, можно что-то сделать)
7 be forced to do sth (когда заставили сделать что-то)
8 impose (заставить сделать что-то)
1 be served (еда должна выдаваться)2 leftovers (пища, которую не съели)3 be held (быть организованным)4 take precedence

Слайд 11There aren’t strict rules about meal in my family. Usually we

eat separately because we have different timetables. I and my brother can have our breakfast or dinner outside the kitchen.
But sometimes, especially on Sundays, we gather all together in our dining room to enjoy our morning meal. We wish each other good morning and share our news week. We can feel nice atmosphere at such moments and it‘s great to know that we have real friendly family.
There aren’t strict rules about meal in my family. Usually we eat separately because we have different

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