Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка по теме Моя футболка жёлтая

Today we'll know the names of different colours and clothes, we'll know some interesting facts about Scotland.

Слайд 1The theme is “My T-shirt is yellow”

Form 5
Kozlova E.M.
The theme is “My T-shirt is yellow”

Слайд 2Today we'll know the names of different colours and clothes, we'll

know some interesting facts about Scotland.

Today we'll know the names of different colours and clothes, we'll know some interesting facts about Scotland.

Слайд 3Let's start with phonetic exercises.
Pay attention to the combination

letters alk, «l» is not pronounced. Буквосочетание alk произносится как [כ:k].

Read, listen and repeat:
Walk, talk, chalk
Let's start with phonetic exercises. Pay attention to the combination of letters alk, «l» is not pronounced.

Слайд 4Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker.
Guess the

meaning of the underlined words.
Read and translate the sentences:
My jeans are blue.
His cap is red.
Your rucksack is nice.
My sweater is red.
Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker.Guess the meaning of the underlined words. Read

Слайд 5Today we will learn new words. Please, look at the board,

listen and repeat after the speaker:

again [ə‘gen]— снова
no idea [ai'diə] — понятия не имею
to walk [wo:k] — ходить
around [ə'raund] - вокруг
to make [meik| - делать
yourself [jo:'self] – сам, сама
a dress [dres] - платье
a boot [bu:t] - ботинок
a sock |sDk] - носок
a T-shirt ['ti:∫3:t] - футболка
a skirt [sk3:t] - юбка
a shirt [∫3:t] - рубашка
trainers ['treinəz] - кроссовки

a colour [‘k^lə] — цвет
yellow ['jeləu] - желтый
blue [blu:] - синий
white [wait] - белый
black [blæk] - черный
red [red] - красный
green [gri:n] - зеленый
brown [braun]- коричневый

Today we will learn new words. Please, look at the board, listen and repeat after the speaker:

Слайд 6Let’s play a little.
Match the words to the pictures:
a shirt

a skirt
a dress
a rucksack
a sweater
a cap

a shirt

a T-shirt

a skirt


a dress

a sweater

a rucksack

a cap


Let’s play a little. Match the words to the pictures:a shirta T-shirta skirta dresstrainersa rucksacka sweatera capjeans

Слайд 7Let`s do these tasks in writing. I`ll give you worksheets. Find

the words:
Let`s do these tasks in writing. I`ll give you worksheets. Find the words:

Слайд 8B


Слайд 9You worked very well and now you deserve to have some


Let’s sing a funny song “How many rainbows do you see?”

You worked very well and now you deserve to have some fun. Let’s sing a funny song

Слайд 10The Rainbow Song

The Rainbow Song

Слайд 11
How many rainbows do you see? How many rainbows do you see? How

many rainbows do you see? How many rainbows do you see?
How many rainbows do you see? How many rainbows do you see? How many rainbows do you

Слайд 12I see one, оne, two, two, two rainbows! I see one, one, two, two, two

Across the sky!
I see one, оne, two, two,  two rainbows! I see one, one, two, two, two rainbows!Across

Слайд 13

I see red, yellow, pink and green I see purple, orange, and

light blue I see red, yellow, pink and green I see purple, orange, and light blue
I see red, yellow, pink and green I see purple, orange, and light blue

Слайд 14
Let`s go to the airport.

Let`s go to the airport.

Слайд 15
At the airport

At the airport

Слайд 16
At the airport
Mother: Misha! Where is your friend?
Misha: No idea! He

is only my pen friend.
Father: Read the telegram again.
Misha: Meet me at the airport at 11 p.m. today. My T-shirt is yellow, my jeans are blue, my trainers are brown and my cap is black. My sweater is green. My rucksack is the colour of my tartan: red, blue, green and black. Thank you. Robin MacWizard.
Father: OK. But the airport is big. Make a big poster with his name on it and walk around.
At the airportMother: Misha! Where is your friend?Misha: No idea! He is only my pen friend.Father: Read

Слайд 17
I .Find these sentences in the text :
1) Понятия

не имею.

Прочитай телеграмму снова.


3)Сделайте большой плакат с его именем.

Ex. 4 p. 127

I .Find these sentences in the text : 1) Понятия не имею.Прочитай телеграмму снова.2)3)Сделайте большой плакат

Слайд 18
II. Mark these sentences true or false:
Rob is Misha`s pen friend.

It`s true./ It`s false.

2) Rob`s T-shirt is yellow, his jeans are blue, his trainers are green and his cap is black.
It`s true./ It`s false.

3)Rob`s sweater is green and yellow.
It`s true./ It`s false.

II. Mark these sentences true or false:Rob is Misha`s pen friend.

Слайд 19
What can you say about Rob`s rucksack?
His rucksack is the colour

of his…..

What's he wearing?

What can you say about Rob`s rucksack?His rucksack is the colour of his….. What's he wearing?

Слайд 21Clan, т.е клан переводится как «дети, потомки, потомство».
Шотландские кланы отличались

своей воинственностью. У каждого клана была своя символика и клич. У каждого клана была своя фамилия.
Приставка Mac или Mc (сокращенное от Mac) перед фамилией характерна для шотландцев. Mac означает сын. Т.е. MacWizard дословно, сын волшебника.
А вот еще какие бывают названия кланов:
Маклауд Маклауд (McLeod), Макалистер Маклауд (McLeod), Макалистер (McAlister) ,Макмиллан Маклауд (McLeod), Макалистер (McAlister) ,Макмиллан (McMillan), Макензи Маклауд (McLeod), Макалистер (McAlister) ,Макмиллан (McMillan), Макензи (McKenzie), Макинтош (McKintosh).


Clan, т.е клан переводится как «дети, потомки, потомство». Шотландские кланы отличались своей воинственностью. У каждого клана была

Слайд 22Tartan


Слайд 24

Узнай больше о тартане и килте
в интернете

www.wikipedia.orgУзнай больше о тартане и килте в интернетеwww.wikipedia.org

Слайд 25Now, do Exercise 7 on Page 128.
Here are the representatives

of different Scottish clans. Choose which tartan is there on their kilts.






Now, do Exercise 7 on Page 128. Here are the representatives of different Scottish clans. Choose which

Слайд 26Homework
At home you'll remember the names of clothes and colours.

9 p. 129 – Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
WB- Ex.A p.53 - Colour by words,
Colour the pictures by figures.
HomeworkAt home you'll remember the names of clothes and colours. Ex. 9 p. 129 – Read the

Слайд 27Our lesson is coming to the end.
So, children what did

you learn today?

Our lesson is coming to the end. So, children what did you learn today?

Слайд 28Thank you for your good work!

Thank you for your good work!Goodbye!

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