Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему Saint Valentine's Day


Цель урока:Расширение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся об одном из популярнейших праздников Великобритании.

Слайд 1«День Святого Валентина»
“Anyone who has never really
loved has never

really lived.”
(A. Christie)
«День Святого Валентина» “Anyone who has never really loved has never really lived.” (A. Christie)

Слайд 2Цель урока:
Расширение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся об одном из популярнейших праздников Великобритании.

Цель урока:Расширение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся об одном из популярнейших праздников Великобритании.

Слайд 3Задачи урока:
1) Познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями празднования дня святого

2) Активизировать лексику по теме “St. Valentine’s Day”
3) Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности
4) Воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного и уважение к культуре и традициям других народов

Задачи урока: 1) Познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями празднования дня святого Валентина.2) Активизировать лексику по теме

Слайд 4Наглядность:
Презентация Power Point “Happy St. Valentine’s day”

Компьютер, видеопроектор

Наглядность:Презентация Power Point “Happy St. Valentine’s day”Оборудование:Компьютер, видеопроектор

Слайд 5Guess the topic of the lesson!

Guess the topic of the lesson!

Слайд 7Repeat after me:
The more we get together, together, together.
The more we

get together, the happier we are.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends
The more we are together, the happier we are.
Repeat after me:The more we get together, together, together.The more we get together, the happier we are.For

Слайд 8love

a flower цветок
Sweets сладости
a rose роза
Sweetheart возлюбленный
Cupid Купидон
a valentine валентинка
Wishes пожелания
Presents подарки
a kiss поцелуй
a gift- подарок
a heart сердце
a party вечеринка
a holiday праздник
an arrow стрела

What assosiations do you have with St.Valentine’s Day?


Слайд 9What associations do you have with St Valentine’s Day?

What associations do you  have with St Valentine’s Day?

Слайд 10Symbols of St.Valentine
A rose.
A red heart.

Symbols of St.ValentineA rose.A red heart.Cupid.

Слайд 11What is love ?

What is love ?

Слайд 13The History of the Day!

The History of the Day!

Слайд 14Emperor [ˈɛmp(ə)rə] - император
Claudius [ˈklɔːdɪəs] - Клавдий
Christian [ˈkrɪstʃən] - христианский
Bishop [ˈbɪʃəp]

- епископ
soldier [ˈsəʊldʒə] - солдат
jailer [ˈdʒeɪlə] - тюремщик
prison [ˈprɪz(ə)n] - тюрьма
execution [ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃən]- казнь
message [ ˈmesɪdʒ] - сообщение
signature[ˈsɪɡnətʃə(r)] - подпись

Repeat after me!

Emperor [ˈɛmp(ə)rə] - императорClaudius [ˈklɔːdɪəs] - КлавдийChristian [ˈkrɪstʃən] - христианскийBishop [ˈbɪʃəp] - епископsoldier [ˈsəʊldʒə] - солдатjailer [ˈdʒeɪlə]

Слайд 16History of the holiday
2000 years ago, the most powerful army in

the world belonged to the Romans. The Romans were so strong that they conquered almost all of Europe, and parts of Asia and Africa. Then they began to grow rich and a little bit lazy. Life in the army was harsh, and many of the soldiers longed for the comforts of home. They wanted to get married and set up families. The Emperor, whose name was Claudius the Second, was worried that his army was growing soft; so he made a law that no soldier was allowed to get married.
History of the holiday	2000 years ago, the most powerful army in the world belonged to the Romans.

Слайд 17History of the holiday
By that time, many of the Romans were

Christians – and one of their leaders was a Bishop called Valentine. He believed that if a man and woman fell in love with each other, they should get married – and so he decided to let soldiers get married in his church, even though it was now against the law. The soldiers’ weddings were meant to be kept secret, but as you know, all secrets are hard to keep, and soon the word got out.
History of the holiday		By that time, many of the Romans were Christians – and one of their

Слайд 18 Valentine was arrested and brought before the emperor who

demanded that he stop helping soldiers to marry, and instead that he pray to the gods of Rome. When he refused, the emperor sentenced him to death. While Valentine was in prison, the jailer’s daughter used to bring him his food. She was a young woman who unfortunately was blind. She and Valentine used to spend long hours talking to each other, and they fell in love. One day, Valentine put his hand through the bars of his cell and touched the lids of her closed eyes. When she opened them again, she could see. It was a miracle.
Valentine was arrested and brought before the emperor who demanded that he stop helping

Слайд 19History of the holiday
Valentine’s execution was set for February the 14th.

On his last night on earth, he wrote his final message to the girl. He signed his love letter, “From your Valentine”. This took place in the year 270, and ever since, lovers have sent each other messages on February the 14th with the same signature. And that’s the story.
History of the holidayValentine’s execution was set for February the 14th. On his last night on earth,

Слайд 21St. Valentine’s Day
Now you know everything about this holiday.
Read and

choose the right answer!
St. Valentine’s DayNow you know everything about this holiday. Read and choose the right answer!

Слайд 22 St.Valentine`s Day is celebrated on the…
A) March,8
B) january,1
C) February,14

St.Valentine`s Day is celebrated on the…A) March,8B) january,1C) February,14

Слайд 23St.Valentine`s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February.

St.Valentine`s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February.

Слайд 24Valentine was…..
A) a king
B) a priest
C) God of Love

Valentine was…..A) a kingB) a priestC) God of Love

Слайд 25Valentine was a Christian priest.

Valentine was a Christian priest.

Слайд 26St. Valentine`s Day is a holiday of…
A) lovers
B) teachers
C) soldiers

St. Valentine`s Day is a holiday of…A) loversB) teachersC) soldiers

Слайд 27St. Valentine's Day is a holiday of lovers: wives and husbands,

boys and girls, men and women.
St. Valentine's Day is a holiday of lovers: wives and husbands, boys and girls, men and women.

Слайд 28Valentine`s cards have a shape of…..
A) star
B) flower
C) heart

Valentine`s cards have a shape of…..A) starB) flowerC) heart

Слайд 29Valentine's cards have a shape of hearts or have hearts on

Valentine's cards have a shape of hearts or have hearts on it.

Слайд 30The symbol of St. Valentine's day is….
A) heart
B) red rose
C) girl

The symbol of St. Valentine's day is….A) heartB) red roseC) girl

Слайд 31The earliest symbol was Cupid, the Roman God of love. Now

a red rose is.
The earliest symbol was Cupid, the Roman God of love. Now a red rose is.

Слайд 32Valentine fell in love with the …
A) daughter of a prison guard

C) nurse

Valentine fell in love with the …A) daughter of a prison guardB) queenC) nurse

Слайд 33Valentine was put into prison and there he fell in love

with the daughter of a prison guard.
Valentine was put into prison and there he fell in love with the daughter of a prison guard.

Слайд 34Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it…
A) to my

B) from your Valentine
C) love
Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it…A) to my sweetheartB) from your ValentineC) love

Слайд 35The night his execution on February 14th he wrote his lover

a farewell letter and signed it “From Your Valentine”
The night his execution on February 14th he wrote his lover a farewell letter and signed it

Слайд 36Now, let’s make up a short story about St. Valentine’s day.,

of the most popular holidays in Great Britain is …
It comes on …
One of the legends says that Valentine was …
He lived in …
St. Valentine's Day is the day of all …
The main symbol of this holiday is …
It is often coloured …
On this day, people send presents or flowers to those whom …
For sweethearts this holiday is another reason to show their ...
It is a very interesting …
Many people like to celibrate it in our … too.

Now, let’s make up a short story about St. Valentine’s day., One of the most popular holidays

Слайд 37Choose the right word!

Choose the right word!

Слайд 38Let’s play a lovely word game! Choose the right word!

Let’s play a lovely word game! Choose the right word!

Слайд 39Choose the right word!

Choose the right word!

Слайд 40Choose the right word!

Choose the right word!

Слайд 41Choose the right word!

Choose the right word!

Слайд 42Choose the right word!

Choose the right word!

Слайд 43How can we celebrate this holiday?
Let’s think!
We can

write a valentine card.
We can send flowers.
We can make a cake.
We can prepare a romantic evening for your Valentine.
We can send a balloon.
We can put a message in the newspaper.

How can we celebrate this holiday?   Let’s think!We can write a valentine card.We can send

Слайд 44Read special Valentine signs!
1. My love is Endless. 2. You are at

the Top of My List! 3. I’m Crazy about you! 4. I Fully Agree with you! 5. You Stole my Heart! 6. Happy Valentine’s Day! 7. My Heart is Filled with Love for You! 8. Be Happy on Valentine’s Day! 9. I’ve Got My Eye on you!
Read special Valentine signs!1. My love is Endless. 2. You are at the Top of My List!

Слайд 45What will you say to your sweetheart?

What will you say to your sweetheart?

Слайд 46Make Valentine cards for your friends. You can write a short

rhyme inside the heart: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you!
Make Valentine cards for your friends. You can write a short rhyme inside the heart: Roses are

Слайд 47Make Valentine cards for your friends

Make Valentine cards for your friends

Слайд 48Roses are red
My world is blue
But if you’ll love me
I’ll love

you too
Roses are redMy world is blueBut if you’ll love meI’ll love you too

Слайд 50Love songs are popular all over the world, and everyone has

their favorites.Listen to the song “Love me tender”
by Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll.


Love songs are popular all over the world, and everyone has their favorites.Listen to the song “Love

Слайд 51Love me tender, love me sweet
Love me tender, love me sweet,

let me go.
You have made my life complete
And I love you so.
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfill.
For, my darling, I love you
And I always will.

Love me tender, love me long,
Take me to your heart.
For it's there that I belong
And we'll never part.

Love me tender, love me dear,
Tell me you are mine.
I'll be yours through all the years
Till the end of time.


When at last my dreams come true,
Darling this I'll know
Happiness will follow you
Everywhere you go


Love me tender, love me sweetLove me tender, love me sweet,Never let me go.You have made my

Слайд 52To sum up,
This European tradition came to Russia too, but a

lot of people say, «If you love somebody, you should show it every day, not only one day». Remember! There is only one happiness in life: love and be loved.
To sum up,This European tradition came to Russia too, but a lot of people say, «If you

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