Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему Пасха (Easter) , 3-4 класс.

BunnysTulips Chicks

Слайд 1Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Слайд 2Bunnys

BunnysTulips Chicks

Слайд 3Children go on an Easter Egg Hunt.

Children go on an  Easter Egg Hunt.

Слайд 41. Crème Egg
2. Jelly Beans
4. Chocolate Bunny
5. Chocolate Eggs
6. Mini Eggs


1. Crème Egg2. Jelly Beans4. Chocolate Bunny5. Chocolate Eggs6. Mini Eggs7. Peeps

Слайд 5Many people eat a big
Easter dinner with
friends and family.

Many people eat a big Easter dinner with friends and family.

Слайд 6Families go to church together on Sunday morning to celebrate Jesus

birth. Many women and girls wear hats and Easter dresses. There is a holiday on Easter Monday. Students do not have to go to school!!!
Families go to church together on Sunday morning to celebrate Jesus birth.  Many women and girls

Слайд 8The bird is missing a wing
There is a pebble missing

The flower has moved down on the left.
One point on his cheek is missing(right side)
A polka dot is missing on his bow tie
The Easter Bunny’s tail is missing
How high the flower is on the left side.
A ring is missing on the birdbath.
A whisker is missing on his right cheek.
The basket is higher on the left side.
The bird is missing a wingThere is a pebble missing The flower has moved down on the

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