Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка Animals - national symbols

National animals are symbols of the country they represent. Every country has it’s own national animal.  

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National symbols
of countries

Free Powerpoint TemplatesAnimalsNational symbols of countries

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National animals are symbols of the country they represent.

Every country has

it’s own national animal.
National animals are symbols of the country they represent. Every country has it’s own national animal.  

Слайд 3The symbol of Russia is a bear A bear is a very

big, strong and dangerous animal
The symbol of Russia is a bear A bear is a very big, strong  and dangerous

Слайд 4The symbol of China is a panda A panda is a white

bear with black spots around eyes, black ears and black paws
The symbol of China is a panda A panda is a white bear  with black spots

Слайд 5The symbol of Australia is a kangaroo A kangaroo has got strong

hind legs and a big long tail
The symbol of Australia  is a kangaroo A kangaroo has got strong hind legs  and

Слайд 6The symbol of the USA is a bald eagle A bald eagle

is a big black bird with white head and tail and sharp beak
The symbol of the USA  is a bald eagle A bald eagle is a big black

Слайд 7The symbol of France is a cock A cock is a domestic

bird with beautiful colourful tail “gallus” – cock and Gaul
The symbol of France is a cock A cock is a domestic bird  with beautiful colourful

Слайд 8The symbol of England is a lion A lion is a big

and strong animal with beautiful long mane
The symbol of England is a lion A lion is a big and strong animal  with

Слайд 9The symbol of Mongolia is a horse A horse has got long

legs, long tail and long mane
The symbol of Mongolia  is a horse A horse has got long legs,  long tail

Слайд 10The symbol of Thailand is an elephant An elephant has got big

ears, long trunk and two big tusks
The symbol of Thailand  is an elephant An elephant has got big ears,  long trunk

Слайд 11The symbol of India is a tiger A tiger is an orange

or red animal with black or brown stripes
The symbol of India is a tiger A tiger is an orange or red animal  with

Слайд 12The symbol of New Zealand is a kiwi A kiwi is a

small bird with long beak
The symbol of New Zealand  is a kiwi A kiwi is a small bird with long

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