Презентация, доклад к уроку 8. Биболетова 3 класс.Unit 1

-Little mice, little mice,Would you like a piece of ice?-No, but we would like a piece of cheese!-Ok, then say please.

Слайд 1Давайте посмотрим, чем же
Билли угощает своих гостей
[aı] - like, ice cream,

[ı] - milk, chicken, biscuits, chips
[b] - bread, butter;
[k] - corn, cabbage, coffee, carrot;
[s] - sausage, juice, soup;
[ı:] - meat, tea, sweets, cheese;
[æ] - jam, sandwich;
[ı] - fish, milk, porridge;
Давайте посмотрим, чем жеБилли угощает своих гостей[aı] - like, ice cream, rice[ı] - milk, chicken, biscuits, chips[b]

Слайд 2-Little mice, little mice,
Would you like a piece of ice?
-No, but

we would like a piece of
-Ok, then say please.
-Little mice, little mice,Would you like a piece of ice?-No, but we would like a piece of

Слайд 3N..t


Слайд 4Hello! I’m Billy. I live in the forest. I’m very kind.

I have got many friends. I go to school. I read books and write poems. I like honey, sweets, jam and cakes. But I don’t like cabbage and corn. And what about you? Do you like honey and sweets?

Hello! I’m Billy. I live in the forest. I’m very kind. I have got many friends. I

Слайд 5Boccтанови рассказ Билли, вставив слова:
nice, corn, have, go, forest, sweets,


• I am Billy. I live in the English…
• I think I am very... .
• I ... got a lot of friends.
• I ... to school. I can write.
• I like ..., honey, jam and cakes.
• But I don't like cabbage and ....
• Do you ... honey and sweets?
Boccтанови рассказ Билли, вставив слова: nice, corn, have, go, forest, sweets, like.• I am Billy. I live

Слайд 6Ex.3 p.15

I think, Billy is……..

Ex.3 p.15I think, Billy is……..

Слайд 7Прочитай про себя рассказ Билли. Ответь на вопросы:

• 1) Does Billy

live in the forest?
• 2) Has he got many friends?
• 3) Can he write?
• 4) Does he go to school?
• 5) Does he like corn?
• 6) Does he like sweets?
Прочитай про себя рассказ Билли. Ответь на вопросы:• 1) Does Billy live in the forest? • 2)

Слайд 8• water
• apple,
• corn,
• cabbage,
• potato,
• coffee,
• orange,
• tomato,

• lemon,
• banana,
• tea,
• lemonade,
• juice,
• bread

Помоги Билли разделить продукты

• water• apple,• corn, • cabbage,• potato,• coffee,• orange,• tomato, • carrot, • lemon, • banana, •

Слайд 9Scarf,hard,are,baby
Зачеркни лишнее:

Scarf,hard,are,babyFort,lot,sport,cordGame,late,made,ladSo,closed,dog,hopeЗачеркни лишнее:

Слайд 10Домашнее задание

Ex. 3 p. 10 (WB)

Домашнее заданиеEx. 3 p. 10 (WB)

Слайд 11Сегодня на уроке:

• С какими новыми словами вы познакомились сегодня?

Сегодня на уроке:• С какими новыми словами вы познакомились сегодня?

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