Презентация, доклад к уроку 7b. DVD frenzy

Read the signs. What are we going to speak about? TitanicMaleficentaShrek 2Harry Potter and the Chamber of secretsTransformers

Слайд 1Презентация к уроку 7b. DVD frenzy
Автор: учитель английского языка МОУ Гимназия

№16 «Интерес» г. Люберцы
Аленчикова С.А.
Презентация к уроку  7b. DVD frenzyАвтор: учитель английского языка МОУ Гимназия №16 «Интерес»

Слайд 2Read the signs. What are we going to speak about?



Harry Potter and
the Chamber of secrets


Read the signs. What are we going to speak about? TitanicMaleficentaShrek 2Harry Potter and the Chamber of

Слайд 3Today we are going to:
listen, read and talk about popular films/

interesting books/ teenager magazines
- make a film- review about your favourite book / TV show / film

Popular films

Today we are going to:listen, read and talk about popular films/ interesting books/ teenager magazines- make a

Слайд 4Can you…
Tell about - types of films

- films about robots
- your favourite film

Make a suggestion for watching films

Make a film- review about a film you have seen
Can you… Tell about   - types of films

Слайд 5Types of films.

Types of films.

Слайд 6What films do british teens
like watching?

What films do british teens like watching?

Слайд 7Sb p. 68 ex. 3b
the funniest movie
the creepiest thriller
The Lord

of the Rings
Sb p. 68 ex. 3bthe funniest moviethe creepiest thriller The Lord of the Rings

Слайд 8Top-5 popular films*

Night at the Museum
Home Alone
Harry Potter and

Chamber of secrets

* Research was made by Anastasiya Manina and Valeriya Lobashova

Top-5 popular films* Night at the MuseumMadagascarShrek2Home AloneHarry Potter and the Chamber of secrets* Research was made

Слайд 9 This film is _______________ (type)
It was directed by ________________ in

It stars ___________________
The film is about ____________ (plot)
The film is _______ (your recommendation).

Film review

This film is _______________ (type)It was directed by ________________ in _____It stars ___________________The film is about

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