Презентация, доклад к уроку. 3 класс. Повторение. Животные.

Domestic animalsCatDogCowParrotRabbitTortoise

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Domestic animals

Domestic animalsCatDogCowParrotRabbitTortoise

Слайд 3Wild animals

Wild animalsDolphinMonkeyElephantCrocodileBearTiger

Слайд 5What animal is it?

What animal is it?

Слайд 6It lives in the river. It can swim. It hasn’t got

It lives in the river. It can swim. It hasn’t got legs.

Слайд 7It’s green. Its body is long.
It’s got small eyes and

short legs.
It can swim.
It lives in the water.
It’s green. Its body is long. It’s got small eyes and short legs. It can swim. It

Слайд 8It’s grey. It’s got a big body,
big ears and a

long nose.
It lives in Africa.
It’s grey. It’s got a big body, big ears and a long nose. It lives in Africa.

Слайд 9It’s white or grey.
It’s got long ears and a short

It can jump.
It’s white or grey. It’s got long ears and a short tail. It can jump.

Слайд 10It’s got a fat body and a big mouth. Children like

its milk.
It’s got a fat body and a big mouth. Children like its milk.

Слайд 11It’s small.
It’s got small ears and small eyes.
Its tail

is long and thin.
It likes cheese. It doesn’t like cats.

It’s small. It’s got small ears and small eyes. Its tail is long and thin.It likes cheese.

Слайд 12It is a dog. It is brown. It can jump and swim. its name

is Stive.
It is a dog. It is brown. It can jump and swim. its name is Stive.

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