Презентация, доклад к учебнику English Favourite 2 часть автор: Тер- Минасова С.Г.


What’s the time?The aim of our lesson is …

Слайд 1Fantastic world
Lesson 38

Fantastic worldLesson 38

Слайд 2What’s the time?
The aim of our lesson is …

What’s the time?The aim of our lesson is …

Слайд 3What’s the time?

What’s the time?

Слайд 5What’s the time?
Wear-wore- worn- носить

What’s the time?Speak-spoke-spoken-говоритьWear-wore- worn- носить

Слайд 6Yesterday Today
It was cold and rainy.
The people ___sad.
They ____ about the rain.

___warm coast.
They __ all the time at home.
Children____ home from school.

It has been hot and sunny.
The people ___ happy.
They ___ about the sun.
They ___ T-shirts.
They___ a lot of time outdoors.
Children ___for a walk.


Yesterday					TodayIt was cold and rainy.The people ___sad.They ____ about the rain.They ___warm coast.They __ all the time

Слайд 7Урок 49

Урок 49

Слайд 8Тема:
Цель: повторение и закрепление лексики

Тема:Цель: повторение и закрепление лексики

Слайд 10What’s the time?

What’s the time?

Слайд 12New words
island |ˈʌɪlənd| - остров
coast |kəʊst| - побережье
city |ˈsɪti| – большой

desert |ˈdezət| - пустыня
koala |kəʊˈɑːlə| - коала
emu |ˈiːmjuː| - эму
Sydney |ˈsɪdni| – Сидней, столица Австралии
Mount Kosciuszko – гора Костюшко
Sydney Harbour Bridge – мост в Сиднейской гавани

New wordsisland |ˈʌɪlənd| - островcoast |kəʊst| - побережьеcity |ˈsɪti| – большой городdesert |ˈdezət| - пустыняkoala |kəʊˈɑːlə| -

Слайд 13Australia
In the ocean
In the desert
3 in the field
4 on the continent

Australia1In the ocean2In the desert3 in the field4 on the continent

Слайд 15Must- должен
I must do homework
You must clean your room
She must

not watch TV all day
He mustn't listen music aloud
Must- должен I must do homeworkYou must clean your roomShe must not watch TV all dayHe mustn't

Слайд 16Тема:
Цель: повторение и закрепление лексики

Тема:Цель: повторение и закрепление лексики

Слайд 17Close the window- закрыть окно
Close the door-закрыть дверь
Put on a coat

and a hat- одеть шляпу и
Hide- спрятаться
Watch the ocean- смотреть на океан
Send an SOS- отправить SOS

закрыть дверь

Close the window- закрыть окноClose the door-закрыть дверьPut on a coat and a hat- одеть шляпу и

Слайд 19Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

Слайд 20Суффикс- an
Russia+an= Russian people
Europe+an= European

Суффикс- anRussia+an= Russian peopleEurope+an= European

Слайд 21Урок 51

Урок 51

Слайд 22The kangaroo must go to Australia
because it is an Australian

The kangaroo must go to Australia because it is an Australian animal.

Слайд 24You must not be naughty-Ты не должен быть капризным
Play with animals-

играть с животными
Eat and drink- кушать и пить
Give food to animals-давать еду животным
Throw rubbish-бросать мусор
You must not be naughty-Ты не должен быть капризнымPlay with animals- играть с животнымиEat and drink- кушать

Слайд 25Неправильные глаголы

Неправильные глаголыSleep-slept-slept-спатьRun-ran-run-бегать

Слайд 26Present Perfect или Past simple
Last summer we visited / have visited

all the interesting places in the region.
There are foot prints everywhere! Someone came / has come here!
It is an interesting book, I have read / read it.
They are not in the city, they moved / have moved to the country for the summer.
When did you go / have you gone to France?

Present Perfect или Past simpleLast summer we visited / have visited all the interesting places in the

Слайд 27Plan Time
Swim in the ocean
Get ready for school
Go to school
Start classes
Finish classes

to the world


Plan					TimeSwim in the oceanGet ready for schoolGo to schoolStart classesFinish classesTravel to the world8:3013:457:009:1512:509:00

Слайд 28Make up sentences (must/must not)
Visit different website
Work on the computer
Play computer

Sends e-mails
Mix up words
Switch off the computer

Make up sentences (must/must not)Visit different websiteWork on the computerPlay computer gamesSends e-mailsMix up wordsSwitch off the

Слайд 29Fill the letters in the words
Countries and cities:
A_str_lia, C_n_da, C_nb_rra, S_dn_y,

Fill the letters in the wordsCountries and cities:A_str_lia, C_n_da, C_nb_rra, S_dn_y, _ttaw_

Слайд 30Languages

LanguagesR_ss_an, _ngl_sh, Fr_nch

Слайд 31Time
q_ _rter
W_ _k
Y_ _r

TimeM_n_teq_ _rterH_lfD_yW_ _kM_nthY_ _r

Слайд 32Lesson 60
Тема: Повторение Present Perfect
Цель: Закрепление изученного материала

Lesson 60Тема: Повторение Present PerfectЦель: Закрепление изученного материала

Слайд 33Phonetic Drills
[I] quickly, win, winner, [əʊ] slowly, [ʊ:] lose, [ʌ] well


Phonetic Drills[I] quickly, win, winner, [əʊ] slowly, [ʊ:] lose, [ʌ] well done

Слайд 34Образование Present Progressive

am/is/are +Ving

Образование Present Progressiveam/is/are +Ving

Слайд 35Утвердительные предложения
I am reading.
He (she, it) is reading.
We (you, they) are

Утвердительные предложенияI am reading.He (she, it) is reading.We (you, they) are reading.

Слайд 36Ex. 1b page 69
I have already had my breakfast.
Я уже по

I haven’t done my homework yet
Я еще не завтракала
Ex. 1b page 69I have already had my breakfast.Я уже по завтракала.I haven’t done my homework yetЯ

Слайд 37To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейне
To go to the

shop- ходить в магазин
To see the new film- смотреть новый фильм
to buy a new pen- купить новую ручку
To think about a birthday present- думать о подарке на день рождение
To draw a picture- рисовать картину
To take pictures- фотографировать
to give food to your pet-кормить домашнего питомца
To drink milk-пить молоко
To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейнеTo go to the shop- ходить в магазинTo see the

Слайд 38New words
To win- a winner

To lose-a loser

New wordsTo win- a winnerTo lose-a loser

Слайд 39Listen to the poem №97
Homework стр 70 упр 4 выучить стихотворение

Listen to the poem №97Homework стр 70 упр 4 выучить стихотворение

Слайд 41Lesson 61

Lesson 61

Слайд 42Тема: Что ты знаешь о Москве?
Цель: знакомство с новыми словами и

отработка в новых ситуациях общения.
Тема: Что ты знаешь о Москве?Цель: знакомство с новыми словами и отработка в новых ситуациях общения.

Слайд 43Phonetic Drills
[ei] May, May I go home?- можно
[i:] read, easy, an

easy test, it’s easy.-легко
[‘difikəlt] difficult, a difficult subject. It’s difficult- трудно

Phonetic Drills[ei] May, May I go home?- можно[i:] read, easy, an easy test, it’s easy.-легко[‘difikəlt] difficult, a

Слайд 44Translate these words

Translate these wordsБыстроМедленноПобедительПроигравшийПобедить Проиграть

Слайд 46Say which sports you and the remember of your family are

found of. - I fond of volleyball. -My mother prefes swimming
Say which sports you and the remember of your family are found of. - I fond of

Слайд 47What do think about these sport games?
I think chess is very

interesting game.
What do think about these sport games?I think chess is very interesting game.

Слайд 48Indoors Outdoors

Indoors					Outdoors

Слайд 49May- можно (page 73 ex.5a)
May I ask questions at school?- Yes,

you may.
May I sleep in the lessons?- No, you may not.
May- можно (page 73 ex.5a)May I ask questions at school?- Yes, you may.May I sleep in the

Слайд 50Page 74 ex.6b –read the text

Page 74 ex.6b –read the text

Слайд 51Lesson 62
Тема: Что ты знаешь о Москве?

Цель: совершенствовать умение диалогической и

монологической речи.
Знакомство с новыми словами
Повторение неправильных глаголов
Научиться писать новые слова
Lesson 62Тема: Что ты знаешь о Москве?Цель: совершенствовать умение диалогической и монологической речи.Задачи: Знакомство с новыми словамиПовторение

Слайд 52Phonetic Drills

Phonetic DrillsEasymaydifficultletterchessfootballbadminton

Слайд 53Answer my question

Answer my question

Слайд 55Можно я прочитаю этот текст?
Можно мне выйти?
Могу я войти?
Можно открыть дверь?

закрыть окно?
Можно я пойду к доске?
Можно мы споем песню?
Можно я прочитаю этот текст?Можно мне выйти?Могу я войти?Можно открыть дверь?Можно закрыть окно?Можно я пойду к доске?Можно

Слайд 56Homework
Стр 74 b translate the text

HomeworkСтр 74 b translate the text

Слайд 57Listen to the poem

Listen to the poem

Слайд 58Ask them the question
Have you ever taken other people’s things?
Yes, I

have (да)
No, I haven’t (нет)
Ask them the questionHave you ever taken other people’s things?Yes, I have (да)No, I haven’t (нет)

Слайд 59Listen and repeat.
[ʌ] sometimes, [ɔ:] always, [eə] rarely

Often always
Never sometimes
Usually rarely

Listen and repeat.[ʌ] sometimes, [ɔ:] always, [eə] rarelyOften					alwaysNever					sometimesUsually				rarely

Слайд 60Read and remember put-put-put- класть
Mother has put porridge and cakes on

the table.
Read and remember  put-put-put- кластьMother has put porridge and cakes on the table.

Слайд 61Homework
Page 78 ex.5b, 6a

HomeworkPage 78 ex.5b, 6a

Слайд 62Repeat
Mother’s and Father’s Day
In March/In June

RepeatMother’s and Father’s DayIn March/In June

Слайд 63Arbor Day
The 22 nd
of April

Arbor DayThe 22 nd of April

Слайд 64Pancake Day
is in February or
in March

Pancake Day is in February or in March

Слайд 68It is the 2 nd biggest country in the world after

It has got forests, mountains, fields, rivers and lakes. It has got cold winters and hot, but short, summers.
You can see a red maple leaf.
English and French are official language in this country
It is the 2 nd biggest country in the world after RussiaIt has got forests, mountains, fields,

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