Презентация, доклад к разделу Взгляд на Россию в фокусе. Дачи ( 6 класс)

Do you know what a dacha (or a summer cottage) is?Answer these questions and be ready to present your dacha to the class. Use your video, photos or pictures of your dacha.what types of dachas

Слайд 1Dachas


Слайд 2Do you know what a dacha (or a summer cottage) is?

these questions and be ready to present your dacha to the class. Use your video, photos or pictures of your dacha.

what types of dachas (summer cottages) are there
in the world?

Why do people love their dachas?
What do people like to do there?

Do you know what a dacha  (or a summer cottage) is?Answer these questions and be ready

Слайд 3A dacha is …..
a small house
where people
relax or
grow fruit

and vegetables in the garden.
A dacha is …..a small house where people canrelax orgrow fruit and vegetables in the garden.

Слайд 4Types of dachas

Types of dachas

Слайд 11My Dacha
Two floors

My DachaDownstairs UpstairsTwo floors

Слайд 12 back garden
front garden
swimming pool

back garden front gardenswimming pool

Слайд 13My Pets

My Pets

Слайд 14My Dacha
My dacha is quite big.
There are two floors in my

Downstairs, there is a kitchen, a living-room and a hall .
Upstairs, there are two bedrooms and a bathroom.
There are also two gardens: the front garden and the back garden with lots of flowers and trees.
We have a swimming pool, too.
When I go to my dacha, I take my pets with me. I have two pets: a cat and a dog.
I love my dacha, because I can relax there, I can go fishing or swimming, pick flowers and fruit.

My DachaMy dacha is quite big.There are two floors in my dacha.Downstairs, there is a kitchen, a

Слайд 15What about your dacha?
Is it like this?
Or like that?

What about your dacha?Is it like this?Or like that?

Слайд 16Take your time and present your dacha to the class and

be ready to answer your classmates’ answers.

Take your time and present your dacha to the class and be ready to answer your classmates’

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