Презентация, доклад к проекту по теме Великобритания.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles.

Слайд 1The land and the people of the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland
The land and the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)

is the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the

Слайд 3The British Isles is a group of islands off the north-western

coast of Europe.
The British Isles is a group of islands off the north-western coast of Europe.

Слайд 4Great Britain is often the same as Britain and refers only

to Scotland, England and Wales which are situated on the island of Great Britain.
Great Britain is often the same as Britain and refers only to Scotland, England and Wales which

Слайд 5In the whole the United Kingdom or the UK includes England,

Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland.
In the whole the United Kingdom or the UK includes England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland.

Слайд 6They used to be different countries before they became united and

got the name of the United Kingdom
They used to be different countries before they became united and got the name of the United

Слайд 7In fact the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

consists of the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of Ireland, and a great number of small islands, such as the Orkney and the Shetland Islands in the north, the Hebrides in the north-west, the Isle of Wight in the south, and many others.
In fact the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of the island of Great

Слайд 8If you look at the map of Europe, you will see

that Great Britain is not large. The territory of the UK is 244 820 kм², it takes the 22nd place among all states. Its population is 61,6 million people.



If you look at the map of Europe, you will see that Great Britain is not large.

Слайд 9The British Isles are washed by the North Atlantic ocean in

the north, by the Irish sea in the west, and by the North sea in the east; in the south they are separated from the continent by the English Channel, or simply The Channel, as the British often call it.
The British Isles are washed by the North Atlantic ocean in the north, by the Irish sea

Слайд 10The Channel, in its narrowest part the Strait of Dover, is

only 32 km wide.
The Channel, in its narrowest part the Strait of Dover, is only 32 km wide.

Слайд 11The Strait(s) of Dover
(Picture from space)

The Strait(s) of Dover(Picture from space)

Слайд 12Before the construction of the underwater “Chunnel” (Channel Tunnel), the ferry

route between Dover and Calais was the quickest way to get from the islands to continental Europe.
Before the construction of the underwater “Chunnel” (Channel Tunnel), the ferry route between Dover and Calais was

Слайд 13But it was a difficult and dangerous one because of frequent

storms, winds and waves.
(Picture of 1879)
But it was a difficult and dangerous one because of frequent storms, winds and waves. (Picture of

Слайд 14Atlantic Currents

Atlantic Currents

Слайд 15Britain’s climate is mild and damp. It often rains, and fogs

are quite frequent, especially in the west and south-west. The Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current comes from the Gulf of Mexico, crosses the Atlantic Ocean and warms the seas around the British coast. It moderates the climate, giving it cool summers and mild winters. The temperature in winter seldom falls below zero and the fields and meadows are green all year round.
Britain’s climate is mild and damp. It often rains, and fogs are quite frequent, especially in the

Слайд 16The flag of the United Kingdom is known as “The Union

The flag of the United Kingdom is known as “The Union Jack”

Слайд 17The United Kingdom national anthem “God Save the Queen”

The United Kingdom national anthem “God Save the Queen”

Слайд 18The UK Royal Coat of Arms

The UK Royal Coat of Arms

Слайд 19If we bring together the flags of all the four countries

we’ll see, that “Union Jack” is a combination of all of them,
If we bring together the flags of all the four countries we’ll see, that “Union Jack” is

Слайд 20Thank you for your attention!!!.

Thank you for your attention!!!.

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