Презентация, доклад Holidays in Britain - Remembrance Day

Nearly four million people were expected to have visited an installation at the Tower of London to mark the centenary of the start of World War One by 12 November 2014. Blood Swept Lands And Seas Of

Слайд 1The Poppies at the Tower of London

The Poppies at the   Tower of London

Слайд 3
Nearly four million people were expected to have visited an installation

at the Tower of London to mark the centenary of the start of World War One by 12 November 2014.
Blood Swept Lands And Seas Of Red by ceramic artist Paul Cummins has proven so popular there have been calls for it to be extended.
London Mayor Boris Johnson was among those to have suggested the dismantling of the installation could be postponed. Thousands of people have also signed an e-petition calling for the poppies to remain.
To allow as many people as possible to see the installation, the hours that the site was illuminated were extended. From Friday, the poppies were lit from 04:30 GMT until dawn and then from dusk until midnight.

Nearly four million people were expected to have visited an installation at the Tower of London to

Слайд 5The first ceramic poppy was planted in July and the final

one was added on 11 November. By then, 888,246 poppies filled the moat, each one representing a British or colonial death during the conflict.

The first ceramic poppy was planted in July and the final one was added on 11 November.

Слайд 6The scale is best appreciated from on high. Here, the red

moat of the Tower of London is pictured from the top of the Shard.
The scale is best appreciated from on high. Here, the red moat of the Tower of London

Слайд 7The artwork was put together with the help of the stage

designer Tom Piper, who said he had wanted to create a "fluid and organic feel to it, you could see it as blood, water or life force".
The artwork was put together with the help of the stage designer Tom Piper, who said he

Слайд 8Pearly King of Bow Bells Harry Mayhead, who served in Egypt

and France for the Royal Army Service Corps in World War Two, helped to plant the poppies,
Pearly King of Bow Bells Harry Mayhead, who served in Egypt and France for the Royal Army

Слайд 10 Chelsea Pensioner Albert Willis (left), Yeoman Warder Paul Cunilffe (centre) and

Grenadier Guard Joe Robinson, representing three generations of military service, posed for photographers.
Chelsea Pensioner Albert Willis (left), Yeoman Warder Paul Cunilffe (centre) and Grenadier Guard

Слайд 11 The poppies have been sold for £25 each with all net

proceeds plus 10% of every sale being shared between six service charities, including Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion.
The poppies have been sold for £25 each with all net proceeds plus 10%

Слайд 12 The installation began in early August and has evolved over the

weeks, put together by 8,000 volunteers. The poppies ranged in height from 15cm (6in) to 1m tall. "The installation is transient, I found this poignant and reflective of human life, like those who lost their lives during World War One," said Cummins.
The installation began in early August and has evolved over the weeks, put together by

Слайд 13Photographs of servicemen have been placed on the railings that surround

the moat. The Tower of London was where more than 1,600 men swore an oath to the Crown after enlisting for the war.
Photographs of servicemen have been placed on the railings that surround the moat. The Tower of London

Слайд 14The Queen paid tribute to World War One personnel, in October.

The Queen paid tribute to World War One personnel, in October.

Слайд 15 Despite calls to extend the installation beyond 12 November, Historic Royal

Palaces said it was always the intention to begin sending the poppies - which have been sold for charity - to their new owners after Armistice Day. Mr Cummins has also said he never intended the installation to be permanent as it was meant to symbolize that human beings are "transient". "The idea was it will only be there for a finite time like we are," he said. "It will be nice to keep it here but it isn't mine anymore - it belongs to the world now."
Despite calls to extend the installation beyond 12 November,  Historic

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