Презентация, доклад Фестивали Тульской земли. (Фестиваль бардовской песни на Куликовом поле)

In the end of May on the eve of the Blessed Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy Commemoration Day Art Song Festival call together authors and singers of art songs, art groups and clubs on a

Слайд 1Bard song Festival “Kulikovo Polye”

Bard song Festival “Kulikovo Polye”

Слайд 2 In the end of May on the eve of the Blessed

Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy Commemoration Day Art Song Festival call together authors and singers of art songs, art groups and clubs on a historic site of Kulikovo battle of 1380. Since 2001 “Kulikovo Polye” museum-reserve has hosted the Art Song Festival.

In the end of May on the eve of the Blessed Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy

Слайд 3 Art’s (Author’s) song is a specific genre peculiar to Russia. It

was originated as a free alternative to official concert music in Soviet Union and is considered to be non-commercial and independent. It supposes one-man performance of song accompanied with guitar or some other instruments. Great attention is paid to the meaning of lyrics, while the music can be rather simple.
Art’s (Author’s) song is a specific genre peculiar to Russia. It was originated as a free alternative

Слайд 4 The festival on Kulikovo field may be considered as one of

patriotic songs as well. There are ex-military men and operative service men among participants of the festival.
The festival on Kulikovo field may be considered as one of patriotic songs as well. There are

Слайд 5 In the program: amateur guitar concert in the open air, fire-parties

and hearty talks.
We invite you to visit the First Russian battlefield and enjoy guitar song concert in the open air.

In the program: amateur guitar concert in the open air, fire-parties and hearty talks.	We invite you to

Слайд 6Презентация выполнена: Егорова Дарья, Абрамова Мария, Гришина Ксения.

Презентация выполнена: Егорова Дарья, Абрамова Мария, Гришина Ксения.

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