Презентация, доклад для 6 класса на тему Daily routines.

I brush teeth every morning.He brushes teeth in the evening.We have lunch in the afternoon.He has lunch at noon.They play sports games at weekends.She plays sports at weekends.I don’t play sports games.She doesn’t play sports games.Do

Слайд 1

Слайд 2I brush teeth every morning.
He brushes teeth in the evening.
We have

lunch in the afternoon.
He has lunch at noon.
They play sports games at weekends.
She plays sports at weekends.
I don’t play sports games.
She doesn’t play sports games.
Do you go to school in the morning?
Does he go shopping at weekends?

I brush teeth every morning.He brushes teeth in the evening.We have lunch in the afternoon.He has lunch

Слайд 3I brush teeth every morning.
He brushes teeth in the evening.
We have

lunch in the afternoon.
He has lunch at noon.
They play sports games at weekends.
She plays sports at weekends.
I don’t play sports games.
She doesn’t play sports games.
Do you go to school in the morning?
Does he go shopping at weekends?
I brush teeth every morning.He brushes teeth in the evening.We have lunch in the afternoon.He has lunch

Слайд 4in the morning: brush teeth, have breakfast, go to school, have

lessons at school
in the afternoon: play sports, have lessons at school
in the evening: have dinner
at night: go to bed
at weekends: play sports

4a. Day in, Day out

in the morning: brush teeth, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons at schoolin the afternoon: play

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