Презентация, доклад для 4 класса по теме Путешествие


Слайд 1Тема: The history of Disneyland.
Артюшкина Даша
Губанова Саша
Руководитель: Грузденко М.Г.

Тема:  The history of Disneyland.Автор: Артюшкина ДашаГубанова СашаФарид Руководитель: Грузденко М.Г.

Слайд 2Disneyland


Слайд 3The first big park where children and parents can spend time

The first big park where children and parents can spend time together.

Слайд 4Founder
The founder of Disneyland is Walt Disney. He founded the

park in July 1955.
Founder The founder of Disneyland is Walt Disney. He founded the park in July 1955.

Слайд 5Children were interested where their favorite heroes live.

Children were interested where their favorite heroes live.

Слайд 6Disneyland is a large amusement park In California.

Disneyland is a large amusement park In California.

Слайд 7You can meet here your favorite characters of Walt Disney cartoons.

You can meet here your favorite characters of Walt Disney cartoons.

Слайд 8Peter Pan's flight

Journey to Never Land with Peter, Wendy and Tinker

Bell, then cross London in search of Captain Hook.
Peter Pan's flightJourney to Never Land with Peter, Wendy and Tinker Bell, then cross London in search

Слайд 9Sleeping Beauty Castle

Step into your dream castle, where you'll find

your prince!

Sleeping Beauty Castle Step into your dream castle, where you'll find your prince!

Слайд 10Disneyland is divided into 3 areas.

Disneyland is divided into 3 areas.

Слайд 11Disneyland Park

Disneyland Park

Слайд 12Disney’s California adventure park.

Disney’s California adventure park.

Слайд 13Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Слайд 14Today you can visit Disneyland not only in America but in

Today you can visit Disneyland not only in America but in China,

Слайд 17Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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