Презентация, доклад Books are our friends

The Greatest Libraries of the World.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2The Greatest Libraries of the World.

The Greatest Libraries of the World.

Слайд 3 National Library of Russia

The National Library of Russia in St Petersburg, known as the State Public Saltykov-Shchedrin Library from 1932 to 1992 .It is the oldest public library in Russia.

National Library of Russia

Слайд 4The Imperial Public Library was established in 1795 by Catherine the


Size36,475,000 items (15,000,000 books)

The Imperial Public Library was established in 1795 by Catherine the Great.Size36,475,000 items (15,000,000 books)

Слайд 5The US library of Congress
The Library of Congress was instituted for

Congress in 1800 .
Located in four
buildings in
The US library of CongressThe Library of Congress was instituted for Congress in 1800 .Located in four

Слайд 6Bibliotheque Nationale
Or National Library.
It is located in France.

Bibliotheque NationaleOr National Library.It is located in France.

Слайд 7The Russian State Library in Moscow
It has more than 40 million

items in 247 languages.

RUSSIAN STATE LIBRARY was founded in 1862.

The Russian State Library in Moscow  It has more than 40 million items in 247 languages.

Слайд 8The British Library
The British library is the national library of the

United Kingdom.

The British LibraryThe British library is the national library of the United Kingdom.

Слайд 9Books are our best friends.
Do you agree?
What do you think?

Books are our best friends.Do you agree?What do you think?

Слайд 11Read someone like a book

Read someone like a book

Слайд 12
Понимать кого-либо очень хорошо

Понимать кого-либо очень хорошо

Слайд 13Have one’s nose in a book

Have one’s nose in a book

Слайд 14Всё время читать

Всё время читать

Слайд 15Turn over a new leaf

Turn over a new leaf

Слайд 16Начать новую жизнь, исправиться, измениться к лучшему, порвать с прошлым

Начать новую жизнь, исправиться, измениться к лучшему, порвать с прошлым

Слайд 17You can’t tell a book by the cover

You can’t tell a book by the cover

Слайд 18Судить кого-либо по внешнему виду

Судить кого-либо по внешнему виду

Слайд 19Leaf through

Leaf through

Слайд 20Пролистывать


Слайд 21Hit the books

Hit the books

Слайд 22Усиленно заниматься, с усердием взяться за учёбу (выражение, распространённое среди студентов)

Усиленно заниматься, с усердием взяться за учёбу (выражение, распространённое среди студентов) разговорное

Слайд 23In one’s book

In one’s book

Слайд 24
По мнению кого-либо

По мнению кого-либо

Слайд 25
Now some exercises

Now some exercises

Слайд 26
The future of public libraries
One of

you believes that libraries in their traditional form will not survive as any book will soon be available in its electronic form.
the other thinks that there will always be people preferring printed books
What do you think???

The future of public librariesOne of you believes that libraries in their

Слайд 27Your homework
P. 79 ex . 9 , 10

Your homeworkP. 79 ex . 9 , 10

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