Презентация, доклад на тему Presentation The great russian library for the english lesson ( 8 klass).

Оn the entrance of the library is a monument to F.Dostoevsky.

Слайд 1“The Russian state library”
Учитель: Кудрявцева А.С.

“The Russian state library”. Учитель: Кудрявцева А.С.

Слайд 3Оn the entrance of the library is a monument to F.Dostoevsky.

Оn the entrance of the library is a monument to F.Dostoevsky.

Слайд 4In 1924 on the basis of Rumyantsev Museum was founded theRussian

public library named after W.Ulyanov (Lenin).
In 1924 on the basis of Rumyantsev Museum was founded theRussian public library named after W.Ulyanov (Lenin).

Слайд 5The Russian state library has a unique collection of domestic and

foreign documents on 367 languages of the world; the volume of the Fund exceeds 45 million 500 thousand units of storage. Here there are the specialized collection of maps, notes, phonograms, rare books, dissertations, Newspapers, and other types of publications.
The Russian state library has a unique collection of domestic and foreign documents on 367 languages of

Слайд 6The total length of a shelves of the Russian state library

is about 275 miles.
The total length of a shelves of the Russian state library is about 275 miles.

Слайд 7The lobby the library.

The lobby the library.

Слайд 8 In the library there are 36 reading rooms.

In the library there are 36 reading rooms.

Слайд 9Every day about 200 new readers are written in the library.

Every day about 200 new readers are written in the library.

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