Презентация, доклад на тему Предметно-языковое интегрированное обучение (CLIL), презентация для обучающего семинара


Parts of a CLIL lessonParts of a lessonProcessing the text

Слайд 1Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Made by:
Mayorova Tatiana
Dolganova Daria
Ivanova Anna
Barishnikova Kate

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Made by:Mayorova TatianaDolganova DariaIvanova AnnaBarishnikova KateKolubanova Yulia

Слайд 3Parts of a CLIL lesson
Parts of a lesson
Processing the text

Parts of a CLIL lessonParts of a lessonProcessing the text

Слайд 4Parts of a CLIL lesson
Processing the text
Language identification
Identification and organization of


Tasks for students


Parts of a CLIL lessonLIProcessing the textLanguage identificationIdentification and organization of knowledgeTasks for studentsCLIL

Слайд 7 CLIL lesson: fill in the missing gaps

CLIL lesson: fill in the missing gaps

Слайд 8
CLIL lesson
THEOREM: If two sides and an angle between them of

triangle in accordance with two sides and an angle between them of another one so such triangles are equal.
CLIL lessonTHEOREM: If two sides and an angle between them of triangle in accordance with two

Слайд 10Venn diagram

Venn diagram

Слайд 11Graphic organizer: Timeline (History)
February 1917
October 1917

Graphic organizer: Timeline (History)1905February 1917October 1917

Слайд 12Mind map
English Vocabulary in Use intermediate

Mind mapEnglish Vocabulary in Use intermediate

Слайд 15Bingo
What vitamin helps us feel good?
What diet can lead to the

What is as essential for the healthy function of the mind as it is for the body?
What can affect our mental performance and moods?
What product is needed to be eaten before an exam?
What food revives your brains to tackle a difficult mental task?

BingoWhat vitamin helps us feel good?What diet can lead to the depression?What is as essential for the

Слайд 17“Food for life” УМК Старлайт 6 класс

What food keeps our organs

“Food for life” УМК Старлайт 6 класс What food keeps our organs healthy?

Слайд 18“Food for life” УМК Старлайт 6 класс

What food keeps our organs


PRACTICE Now you can show your knowledge
You will create healthy menu for our canteen. You are going to work in three groups A B C
A= Three course menu
B= Healthy lunch
C=healthy pizza

“Food for life” УМК Старлайт 6 класс What food keeps our organs healthy?PRACTICE Now you can show your

Слайд 19УМК Старлайт 6 класс

УМК Старлайт 6 класс

Слайд 20 «Jigsaw Reading»
The text is divided into parts. Only one part of

it is given to the pupil. Participants with the same numbers gather in expert groups to discuss their understanding of the material. Each expert should express his / her understanding of what has been read. Further, experts come to their "home groups". It starts with a full analysis of the text.
«Jigsaw Reading»  The text is divided into parts. Only one part of it is

Слайд 23“Without grammar very little can be conveyed
Without Vocabulary nothing can be

David Wilkins
“Without grammar very little can be conveyedWithout Vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”David Wilkins

Слайд 24How to work with vocabulary?

How to work with vocabulary?PresentationMemorizingPracticingTesting

Слайд 25Presentation



Слайд 26Visual
Real Thing

VisualTranslationReal ThingPictures/Flashcards/IllustrationsMime

Слайд 27Non-Visual
Example situation
Example sentence
A full definition

Non-VisualExample situationExample sentenceSynonyms/antonymsA full definition

Слайд 28Vocabulary at CLIL

Vocabulary at CLIL

Слайд 29How to memorize it
Read my lips
What`s the missing word
Odd one out

How to memorize itRead my lipsWhat`s the missing wordDefinitionsOdd one outMaking collocationsMatching

Слайд 30 «Grab it»

«Grab it»

Слайд 31 «Scrabble»


терминологический словарь

Right angle
Isosceles triangle
Acute angle
Geometric figure
Equilateral triangle

«Scrabble»						 					терминологический словарьExample:TheoremRight angleIsosceles triangleAcute angleNumberGeometric figureLineEquilateral triangle

Слайд 32Unscramble
lviign oanismsrg

Unscramble   lviign oanismsrg

Слайд 36Semantic Mapping(associations)

Semantic Mapping(associations)

Слайд 37Semantic Mapping(Word Field Diagram)

Semantic Mapping(Word Field Diagram)

Слайд 38Semantic Mapping(Wordfields)

Semantic Mapping(Wordfields)

Слайд 39Tree diagram

Tree diagram

Слайд 40Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram

Слайд 48Подготовка к уроку CLIL
Преподаватель должен продумать предметное содержание занятий, согласовать

со структурой учебного курса
тщательно отобрать материал, который может дополнять или повторять уже изученное по конкретному предмету.
Типы заданий разработаны по уровню сложности, построены с акцентом на предметное содержание, его понимание, проверку и последующее активное обсуждение.

Подготовка к уроку CLIL Преподаватель должен продумать предметное содержание занятий, согласовать со структурой учебного курса тщательно отобрать

Слайд 503 in 1 Time Save
All in one lesson
Develop a foreign/second language

Develop subject knowledge
Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills

3 in 1  Time SaveAll in one lessonDevelop a foreign/second language Develop subject knowledge Develop Higher





Слайд 54A Project

A Project

Слайд 55

What is CLIL?

Necessary recourses:
http://www.edu-resource.net/index.php/2013-04-13-11-53-16/metodika-clil elt.oup.com www.macmillaninspiration.com www.cambridge.org www.clilmedia.com English lesson framework: www.teachingenglish.org.uk
Free: www.clilmedia.com www.teachingenglish.org.uk
Thematic blog: www.clilmedia.com

What is CLIL?Necessary recourses:http://www.edu-resource.net/index.php/2013-04-13-11-53-16/metodika-clil  elt.oup.com www.macmillaninspiration.com www.cambridge.org www.clilmedia.com English lesson framework: www.teachingenglish.org.ukFree: www.clilmedia.com www.teachingenglish.org.ukThematic blog:

Слайд 56Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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