Презентация, доклад на тему Правила употребления модального глагола SHOULD

Modal verb SHOULDHe should lead healthy lifestyle.He should use convenient public transport.She should spend more time in the fresh air.When do we use the modal verb SHOULD?To give advice!

Слайд 1Modal verb SHOULD
… should + (to) verb…

… should not (shouldn’t) + (to) verb… -
Should … + (to) verb…? ?

Tom should do his hometask properly.
Tom shouldn’t do his hometask properly.
Should Tom do his hometask properly?

An adjective or an adverb?

Modal verb SHOULD… should + (to) verb…

Слайд 2Modal verb SHOULD
He should lead healthy lifestyle.
He should use convenient public


She should spend more time in the fresh air.

When do we use the modal verb SHOULD?

To give advice!

Modal verb SHOULDHe should lead healthy lifestyle.He should use convenient public transport.She should spend more time in


• What should a person do if he

wants to cross the road?

• What should a person do when he leaves the house?

• What should a person do after ironing?

TO PROTECT YOURSELF !• What should a person do if he wants to cross the road?• What

Слайд 4A: I’ve got a splitting headache.
B: You should take a painkiller


brother who feels tired (go to bed)
Your sister who’s got a toothache. (see a dentist)
A friend who always lose his key. (keep them in your pocket)
A friend who is nervous about her exams. (not worry so much)
Your aunt whose feet hurt. (take off your shoes)
A: I’ve got a splitting headache.B: You should take a painkillerYour brother who feels tired (go to

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