Презентация, доклад на тему Перезнтация к уроку УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева Rainbow English 3 класс, тема 4 Сколько? Сосчитай Урок 3

with [wið] I can see parents and their boys and girls in the park.I can see parents with the boys and girls in the park.

Слайд 1One – a cat.
Two – a bat.
Three – a dog.
Four –

a frog.
Six – a bear.
One, two, three,
four, five, six.
One – a cat.Two – a bat.Three – a dog.Four – a frog.Six – a bear.One, two,

Слайд 2with [wið]
I can see parents and their boys and girls

in the park.

I can see parents with the boys and girls in the park.
with [wið] I can see parents and their boys and girls in the park.I can see parents

Слайд 3 the morning
in the afternoon
the evening

A. M.
P. M.

the morningin		the afternoon		the evening A. M. P. M.

Слайд 4- teen
13 thirteen 17 seventeen

14 fourteen 18 eighteen

15 fifteen 19 nineteen

16 sixteen 20 twenty

- teen13 thirteen		17 seventeen14 fourteen		18 eighteen15 fifteen 		19 nineteen16 sixteen		20 twenty

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